Chapter 19

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The drive to Seth's house took at least 15 minutes or so. When we reached the drive way and he parked, my jaw hit the floor.

I stepped out of his car and looked at the beautiful house- I'm sorry - mansion in front of me.

The pastel baby blue outside of the house stood out. The pillars that stood in front had different curved patterns on them. The small stair case had little potted plants framing it. Little cacti and flowers and other plants I don't know the name of were there.  The knocker on the light brown colored door was a lion that had it's mouth open. The front yard had a small garden of assorted flowers lined up. Freshly mowed green grass surrounded a walkway up to the stairs. All in all, it was magnificent. All the colors contrast, but in a good way.

"My mom loves painting...and gardening and decorating things. Yeah, she has a lot of  hobbies." Seth whispered in my ear as we walked up the small steps. He smirked.

Seth picked up the potted plant to the left on the last step, revealing a key. He took the key and unlocked the door, placing it back under the tiny cactus.

We walked in together, hands interlocked, inside his mansion.

The inside was just as marvelous as the outside. The pastel, light purple walls had little patterns drawn in it. The grand stair case spiraled into the upstairs, which I'm pretty sure held lots of rooms. A sewing machine and a rack of cute, stylish clothing was sat in the corner. The living room had a plush black couch and a giant flat screen TV. A coffee table sat in between the two. The floor had nice, white carpeting on it.

"Just a question...why didn't you tell me you were rich?" I asked him.

"I wanted you to like me for me and not my money. I know your not like that." He gave me a soft smile.

"I would like you, rich or poor." I squeezed his hand, reassuringly.

"Seth, honey? Is that you?" A woman, I assumed was Seth's mother, called from somewhere in the house.

"Yeah, it's me, mom." Seth called back.

"Um, can you help me out in here?" She asked.

"Yeah." He answered. He dragged me to a kitchen area that had marble counter tops and a granite floor. A stove and oven sat in the corner with a microwave installed in the wall above it. The white walls looked fresh and new, without a chip to be seen.

A woman that looked to be in her early thirties stood next to a little baby boy in a high chair. Her blond hair was up in a messy ponytail. Her face was covered in baby food. The jar of baby food itself sat on the marble island the she was standing near. She sighed. Her gray shirt was also covered in baby food. Although, her black yoga pants were still clean. Even with the baby food on her, she was incredibly beautiful.

"Ya little trouble maker." She cooed at the baby in her baby voice. "What am I gonna do with you?" Seth's mother put her hands on her hips and cock her hip to the side sassily, pursing her lips together.

Seth cleared his throat. Her head turned toward us so fast that I was afraid she would get whip lash. She beamed at him.

"Hello there." She said to us.

"Hey mom." Seth went over to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Hi, Mrs. Adams." I said to her.

"Oh, you don't have to call me that. Makes me feel old. Call me Janet." Janet walked around the table. "I would give you a hug, but I have baby food all over me."

"Oh that's okay. It's nice to finally meet you. I'm Leilani." I told her with a smile.

"I know who you are. Seth talks about you nonstop." Her smile brightened. "I've never seen him like this before. It's a good thing." She whispered to me.

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