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Today is the day, hopefully I'm not late!

Surprisingly, everyone was on time, and we did a head count before boarding the train.

"Does everyone have everything they needed before we settle in the train?" Chiyo asked looking at everyone.

"No, ma'am!" We responded with no hesitation.

"We'll discuss the plans for the next few days once we have our seats" Chiyo handed out large packets to each of us.

Once inside, Daisuke and Masamune sat with the guys and Chiyo and Maho sat with the girls. We were seated across from each other for communication convenience.

"Once we get there, there won't be much day time. So we'll go straight to our cabin in the mountains," Chiyo explained, "but we'll be divided into two groups and that will be your group for the rest of the summer. Is there any questions or concern?" Chiyo asked looking at all of us.

So the group was divided equally among all of us. Chiyo, Masamune, Hiro, Kenta, and Sayumi are in group one. Daisuke, Maho, Junpei, Hanae and I are in group two.

As we rode the train, we had fun talking, joking, and playing card games. The sun slowly set as we continued our joyous ride.

We finally arrived in Takamori-machi, which is in the Kumamoto Prefecture. It's still undeveloped, but it's scenery is breathtakingly beautiful, fresh air, and the wonderful feel of nature.

There was an older man, who was the small village's chief and is also involved with WFWC. He picked and dropped us off at our cabin. It was a 45 minute drive, and I have to admit the mountains look quite creepy at night.

"There will be somebody to drop off a spare van for you guys in the morning, so it'll be more convenient to get your work done," the old man happily talked with us.

When we got to our cabin, the old man told us not to wander around too deep into the forest or we will get lost. Even with that warning, he still thanked us for our help every summer to help maintain the beauty of the forest.

"Oh my goodness, I'm tired," Maho yawned stretching.

"Well, it's best to go inside and decide where we're all sleeping," Masamune patted Maho in the back.

"Are we sharing rooms?" Hiro raised the question putting his hands behind his head.

"Well, there are two big rooms, one on each floor, separating the boys and girls," Daisuke answered proudly.

"As for cooking, we'll each take turn making meals for everyone," Masumune responded.

As we got inside, the women took upstairs while the men took the downstairs room. We unload our packs, and the women went into the kitchen to start on supper. The men went outside to explore for the time being.

The sun has already set, supper was ready, and we enjoyed each other's company. We later took turn taking a shower and finally off to bed we go, getting ourselves ready for the next day.

I'm sure this summer will go well. Everyone is contributing and showing team efforts.

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