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Sorry it took me long to update. Went to a state of depression. Here you go.



The light of the full moon reflected against the smooth black paint of a car headed to Nura estate.

Rikuo had an accomplished smile on his face as he sat on the backseat. He was going to tell Tsurara that he had succeeded in killing the wife of Dragneel as soon as he got home.

Or so he thought.

He was still a good distance away from the large metal gate of his home when a flash of light caught his eyes. It was hovering above the mansion…and it wasn’t just one. There were many.

His eyes focused on them as he processed what they were.

Then he realized.

His eyes widened.


And what in the hell were choppers doing at his estate?

The next thing he saw was so clear to him that it looked like everything was in slow motion.

Items were being dropped on the entire land. Items that had a spark of fire in them.

It didn’t take him long to recognize what they were. Bombs.

The moment the bombs touched every surface of his estate, be it the roof, the concrete structure, the ground covered in grass, he could only call on one name.

A name of a person he would never see again.

Well, not in this lifetime.


He shouted as his mansion burned down in flames.

His eyes watched as his home went ablaze.

Explosion everywhere.

Unforgiving fire ate every corner of the land.

Who or what on earth could possibly escape that?

“Sir! We shouldn’t go any further! It’s not safe!” his driver said in fear as he watched the burning estate where they were headed. He was going to stir the wheel but the Don stopped him.

“NO! Don’t fucking turn away! Drive straight through the gates!” Nura shouted angrily.

His henchman did what he was told. Even though the estate already looked like hell itself, he had a job. And that was to follow orders.

The fire already ate away everything. The car couldn’t get any closer anymore to where the once proud mansion stood. It could only stop at the entrance, just by the large metal gate.

Nura got out of the car, his eyes never leaving the site before him.

He walked unsteadily slow towards the huge mass of inferno. He could not believe it.

Everything was gone.

Everything he created and worked for. Now nothing but ashes and dust.

His knees went weak and he knelt on the ground, still looking ahead of him.

The woman he loved was in there.

A tear fell down from his eyes. Not once did he blink.

His wife was gone forever.

Her smile, her blue eyes. Gone.


Nura shouted from the bottom of his lungs. He did not care if all of his men died, all he could think of was his wife. How he would never be able to see her.

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