6. Frayed Nerves.

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Audrey’s P.O.V.

*The Next Morning*

I was awaken by the loud laughter of boys. 

“Shh,” Someone laughed, “Your gonna wake her.”. 

I opened my eyes and sat up, taking in my surrounding, I slowly got out of bed, none of it familiar to me. I recognized a few of my clothes on the floor but everything else was foreign to me. I walked into what looked like a small living aria, like one in a nice tour bus a celebrity would own. Two boys where in here, One in the small kitchen and the other on the sofa, eating.

“Good morning Love!” The boy said from his spot on the sofa. I stared at him, my mind blank of as to how I know him. 

"Are you hungry?" The other boy asked. I looked up at him to find him starring at me and slowly nodded 'yes'.

“Who are you?” I demanded, 

“Audrey? Are you feeling well?” The boy on the sofa asked. 

I looked back at him, my eyes growing wide. “How do you know my name?” I asked. 

“You told us yesterday.” He said. I frowned, yesterday was a blur, I remember Joey kicking and hitting me and Sherry slapping me, but not much besides.

“Oh.” I said awkwardly, “What are your names again?” I asked, 

“Louis!” The one on the sofa said.

“I'm Niall.” The other said, “Umm, those are for you.” Niall said, putting a plate of eggs on the small counter.

"Thanks," I said, my voice returning to it's usual timid tone.

“LOUIS!” Someone yelled from the back part of the bus, making me jump. Instantly Louis began laughing, slapping his knee.

“What did you do this time?” Niall asked sitting onto the couch. 

“Plastic wrap over the bathroom door!” Louis managed through his laughter. Niall chuckled and began to eat. 

“Louis, you are so freaking stupid!” A boy said, walking into the room, shirtless. He had dark-ish skin, his collar bones and right arm littered with tattoos. His black hair stuck out everywhere, making me think he just woke up. The boy stalked into the kitchen, pulling out the bread.

“C'mon mate! It was just a joke.” Louis said, his tone light.

“I'm not in the mood Louis.” The sour faced boy said. Niall tapped Louis on the shoulder, shaking his head no.

“Ugh, fine. I'm sorry Zayn.” Louis said, sounding like a little kid being made to apologize.

“Yeah, sure.” The boy Zayn mumbled. 

“Zayn, he said he was sorry. Drop it.” Niall said sternly. 

“Niall, I don't know about you but I'm getting tired of his crap! He is going to far with his little pranks!” Zayn yelled, I flinched as he raised his voice. 

“Look I said I was sorry! I meant it so just calm down!” Louis yelled back. I shrank back away from them, waiting for one of them to run over and begin fighting.

“But you!-” 

“Stop it!” Two voices shouted at once. One was from Niall, the other form another boy, this one shirtless as well. He had a couple of tattoos on his arm and nice abs. His hair was shorter than the others and a chocolate brown color.

“What is going on here?” The unknown boy asked.

“Zayn got all mad because I played a stupid prank oh him and didn't believe me when I said I was sorry!” Louis said, pointing to Zayn. 

“Zayn.” The boy sighed, running his fingers through his hair. 

"What Liam? You going to tell me I'm being to sensitive? That I should just build a bridge and get over it? Well you know what, save your breath." Zayn picked up the bread and threw it back into the cabinet before throwing his hands in the air. "I'm done." 

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