7. Memories.

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Audrey’s P.O.V.

Zayn stalked out of the room and off the bus.

"Ugh, he is such a baby." Louis mumbled, turning his attention back to the TV. Liam threw him a look but didn't say anything to him.

"Well, good morning Audrey." Liam said to me. I nodded slightly, confused. 

"Why did, umm, Zayn leave?" I asked, my voice barely higher than a whisper.

"He's just been a little sensitive lately. It's nothing you need to worry about." Liam said, his tone strained. I nodded and then walked over to my eggs Niall had made me and sat down, eating them quickly. After I was done I took my plate to the sink and begin to wash it. 

"Good morning lads!" Paul said brightly, coming onto the bus. 

"Morning!" Niall, Louis and Liam replied. 

"Wheres Zayn and Harry?" Paul asked stealing a piece of toast from Liam's plate. 

"Zayn got mad and ran off and Harry is still in bed." Niall said. 

"That boy." Paul sighed, shaking his head. 

"When are we leaving?" Liam asked, his mouth full.

"Twelve at the latest. We want to get to San Fran as early as possible, you boys have a last minute interview there." Paul said. The boys nodded, like having an interview was a normal thing. Just then the bus door opened and Zayn walked in, still shirtless and only in his sweats. 

"Morning." He mumbled to Paul as he walked back into the sleeping part of the bus. 

"Might I ask where you where?" Paul asked Zayn before he disappeared into his bunk.

"Out." Zayn mumbled. Paul sighed,

"Dressed like that?" Paul asked. I looked t the other boys who where trying to act natural.

"Yes. Is that a problem?" Zayn asked, his temper flaring again.

"Yes, Zayn, it is a problem. Especially when I or anyone else had no clue as to where you where. You could have gotten lost, mobbed, at-"

"Well you know what? I didn't. So lets just forget it alright?" Zayn interrupted before sliding into his bed and drawing the curtain. Paul rolled his eyes and shook his head, a sigh escaping his lips.

"I'll go and tell Allen you guys are ready." Paul huffed, leaving the bus quickly. I looked around at the other guys, Niall shook his head, Louis mouth was pressed in a hard line and Liam had abandoned eating and was staring out the window. Right then the door opened and a man walked in, he was short and skinny with a balding head.

"Alright boys, lets get this show on the road!" He said, climbing into the drivers seat and starting the engine.

*That Night.*

I woke feeling horrid, my stomach and back throbbing. I sat up whacking my head on the ceiling of my bunk “Oww,” I moaned rubbing my head and rolling out of bed, falling on the floor. Someone mumbled in their sleep and rolled over. I stood and walked over to the small kitchen aria and pulled the cabinets looking for a glass. 

After I had my drink I walked into the small bathroom and looked at myself. Ugh, not what I wanted to see. My neck and face had cuts and light and dark blue-green bruises. I pulled my hair forwards and around my neck, the bruises there wouldn’t be noticeable, but yet again I'm sure all of the boys have seen them. I pulled my shirt up to look at my back. Yup, just as I thought, a nice light shade of blue that would probably be darker tomorrow, and more painful. I sighed and yanked down my shirt, trying not to look at my stomach. But I still caught a glimpse of the long, thin scars scattered across my stomach and right hip. I winced remembering how I got them. I shook my head, fighting tears. 

I left the bathroom and crawled back into bed. I fell asleep quickly only to start dreaming of Joey and Sherry and the murders. Seconds later it seemed I was awaken my somebody shaking me, 

“Audrey! Wake up!” An Irish accent commanded, I sat up quickly, banging my head again. 

“Ow- what's going on?” I asked confused. Niall was holding my shoulders. Liam, and Zayn where standing behind him, 

“You where having a bad dream.” Niall said rubbing my cheek with his thumb. 

Louis ran up holding a glass of water. “Here pour this on- never mind.” He said hiding the glass behind his back. Liam rolled his eyes and took the glass, walking into the kitchen to put it away. Louis pouted, crossing his arms childishly. 

“Are you okay now?” Niall asked, I nodded. 

“I’m okay,” I whispered lying back down, Niall gave me a half smile and jumped up onto his bunk. I looked over across the small space at Harry who was still asleep on his bunk, man that boy could sleep through anything. 

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