14. Nothing Is As It Seems.

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Quietly we drove home, the radio softly playing songs we both didn't care to listen to. When we pulled next to the bus Louis and Liam ran out to meet us. Louis running into the hood of the truck, sprawling over it. I smiled and opened the door, jumping out. 

“So how was your date?” Liam asked, chuckling. I blushed, looking away. 

"It wasn't a date, stupid." Niall teased, coming round to my side of the truck.

"Call it what you want, but to me and the rest of the lads it was a full on date." Liam argued, playfully.

"But..." Niall began, but Louis shushed him.

"Dude, chill pill. We didn't say if we thought it was a romantic date or just a friend date." Louis said, like it was obvious.

"Oh," Niall mumbled, looking embarrassed. 

"To bad we all thought it was romantic." Liam laughed. Niall sighed, shaking his head. Niall placed his hand on my back and led me onto the bus. I glanced at the clock, 3:32. 

Louis and Liam came up after us and started trying to get the boys to start getting ready for the concert. I quickly brushed my hair and my teeth and waited and watched. People where in and out of the bus, asking the boys questions and comparing outfits all while trying to keep the boys under control. At 4:30 we left, Louis insisting I come along, saying that I haven't lived until I’ve seen a 1D concert. 

We where driven by a large man in a black T-shirt to huge arena, fans already surrounding the outside. We parked and where quickly ushered inside and into a room where the guys changed in to their stage clothes and had their hair done. Once they had a vocal warm up with Helene they where sent to a stage where the boys did a quick sound check and had a quick Q and A session with a few fans watching from the seats. 

"Are your concerts always this busy?" I asked Harry, after they had finished. 

"Busy? This is nothing! But yeah, it usually is." He said, taking a sip from a water bottle.

"Hey lads! Hows it goin'?" An unfamiliar voice called. I turned and saw four guys walk into the back stage aria, all of them where about 18-19 years old and two of the carried guitar cases. One boy had black-ish hair and dark-ish skin, two others had dirty blond hair each styled differently, and the last boy had dyed black hair styled is a messy style. 

"Your here!" Harry called, giving each new comer a hug. 

"Yeah, sorry were late, traffic was a killer." One of the blonds said. 

"Who's this?" The messy haired boy asked, looking at me. 

"Hmm? Oh that's Audrey, she's on tour with us." Harry said, casually. Instantly my feelings where hurt and tears pricked my eyes. He called me 'that'. I knew Niall was lying to me when he said the boys liked me.

"Cool, what dose she do?" The black haired boy asked, 

"She doesn't do anything, she's just here." Harry said, his tone still passive. A tear slipped down my cheek as I watched my shoes. I turned and walked away, running into some one on the way.

"Excuse me." I sniffed, pushing past not even looking up. 

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