Chapter 31: Home

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Well, it's been longer than I wanted it to be since I last updated so I made this chapter just a little bit longer for you guys!

I'm close to graduating from high school and once that's over I'll have more time to work on finishing up this story. 

Thank you guys once again for your voting and commenting. It makes me so happy every time I get a notification about one of those. Love you all!



It doesn't take very long for me to drop my things off in my apartment. I don't have very much on me anyways, so unpacking only took me about half an hour. My room isn't very dusty--Tris stays in here with her parents when they come to visit sometimes, and when she's not here we have a cleaning lady come and look after it once a week.

I walk over to the fridge, not surprised when I open it and see that it's empty. There are a few bottles of water, but no perishable food. They didn't know I was coming back so they didn't prepare for it. My fault, not theirs.

I grab a bottle and uncap it, gulping half of it down and then screwing the lid back on. I was really thirsty for some reason. Probably from carrying Serenity everywhere, I chuckle to myself. I really do love that little girl.

I put the water back in the fridge and make a mental note to buy some groceries before I come back. I shove my points card in my back pocket and walk out the door to the direction of Tobias's apartment. It's a short walk, and before I know it I'm standing in front of his door.

I knock my fist on the wood, smiling to myself when I hear thumping around inside. They better not be banging, otherwise they're in for a rude awakening.

The door flies open and Tris stands there, hair a mess. Her clothes are otherwise fine, which leads me to believe that they were probably just making out. "Too busy kissing to greet me?" I joke, raising an eyebrow at her.

Her eyes widen and her face flushes red, but she leaps towards me and wraps her arms around me, holding me close. I laugh and hug her just as tightly.

Tris didn't grow anymore since initiation. She's still the same height, just with a little more muscle. Her and I have both gained more muscle, actually. I just stand a little taller than her now with my 5'10" height. I keep joking with Tobias that I'm going to be taller than him one day, but he just laughs and rubs the top of my head like one would do to a dog. How rude.

"Tris?" I hear Tobias call from inside. He steps in the doorway, shirtless and confused. Maybe the two of them were doing more than kissing?

"Hey bro," I call, a toothy grin splitting across my face.

He also smiles back at me, walking forwards and wrapping his arms around the both of us before swiftly lifting and carrying us inside his apartment. We squeal and laugh the entire time. Leave it to Tobi to try and impress Tris with his strength.

"Hey sis," he says after shutting the door. I let go of Tris and hug him. He puts his head in my shoulder, and I just laugh and wrap my arms around his neck. His back tattoo stares at me. I slap the bare skin and step back, looking at two of the most important people in my life.

"What are you doing here? Why didn't you give us a call?" Tris questions, leading us over to their couch. I see Tobias's shirt discarded nearby on the floor. I merely raise an eyebrow at it but choose not to say anything.

"It was a last minute decision. A certain 3-year old convinced me to come back."

"That Serenity sure is a smart one," Tobias says, leaning back and resting an arm behind Tris.

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