"see you soon..."

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I felt the cold blade of his knife on my cheek. I looked into his pale blue eyes. They had a lingering sensation of anger in them. They also had a red glow to them that made them un-human. I didn't show the slightest amount of fear towards him. And I really wasn't scared of him. "What do you want?" I said trying to keep the anger of my voice very low.  It didn't really work though. He could tell I was angry.

He smirked a bit as he said, "I want to..." his voice sounding rough like it has been rubbed with Sandpaper as he didn't finish his sentence. I just stood there and watched him walk off without finishing his sentence getting angier. 
" WHAT IN FUCKING HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!"  I yeld at him as getting was about 10 feet from me.

He turned around and started walking back to me with a quickend pace. He had anger painted on his face but confution was mixed inside his eyes. I stared straight inside his eyes as he walked back up to me. " What is wrong with me!? Whats wrong with you? You dont even seem scared by me. I fucking held a goddamn knife to your neck! I was going to kill you!"

He paractically screamed in my face. "Was?  You where going to kill me, but you ain't now? " I said angrily. 

"Who said i changed my mind?" He put his knife back to my neck while stepping closer to me. But only this time did he draw a little blood.
      I just stood there and stared into his eyes as blood fell down my neck.  I acted like I had nothing to be afraid of because in reality I didn't.  I had a knife in my boot that I could reach easily.
" Dont do that!" He yeld in my face.

"D-Do what?" I asked. I had no idea what he was talking about.

" look at me like your not afraid. Looking into my eyes" his gaze went into my eyes "dont do that" he had an evil, devilish smerk plasted on his lips.
But it wasnt a good one.

"But aint you going to kill me anyway?" I started to get cocky with him. It was working.

He laughed an insane laugh. A laugh that would make any normal person stutter clack in fear at the dark aroma of it all. 

"Whats so funny asshole?" I said.

" you..." he whispered. " you are so... so ignorant..." i took in a gasp and pretended to be offened.
I was no longer afraid of him. I couldn't tell if that was a good thing or a bad thing. I just smiled and said " you going to have to try a LOT harder if you wanna insult me, beautiful."

People started to come out of their homes. " lets continue this conversation later. I have to go now."  he said and walked off.
I didn't say anything after that.  I knew why he had to leave.  And I knew I would see him again,  soon.

I have no one else (Jeff The Killet × reader)Where stories live. Discover now