The Art of Courting- Chapter Five

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Here we are, the next chapter!

Pic on the side is of May>

This chapter is dedicated to xoStardust. She's written an amazing story called The Last Dance that I'm sure you have all heard of. Though, my favourite of hers is the new spin-off Dancing with Deception. It's awesome.

Anyways, enjoy!


Sometimes this place gets kind of empty

The sound of the breath fades with the light

I think about the loveless fascination

Under the Milky Way tonight

Lower the curtain down on Memphis

Lower the curtain down on me

I got no time for private consultation

Under the Milky Way tonight- Under the Milky Way, Church

CHELSEA WOKE UP THE NEXT morning with a small smile on her face, the memory of yesterday still fresh on her mind. There was a number of unpleasant things she'd have to deal with this sunny Wednesday. The most prominent, of course, would be the whole Dani situation. She had taken the day off school yesterday so Chelsea didn't get a chance to see her. At least May knew everything now, so they were both prepared.

It's not surprising that May took my side, she mused to herself as she got dressed, she's been on the receiving end of Dani a couple of times too. She just gets so extreme about tiny things.

“Wake up! Wake up!” Chelsea pounded on Sadie's door. “Will and I are leaving without you if you're not ready in twenty minutes!”

“I'M UP!” She heard her little sister scream from the other side.

“Good!” Laughing, she walked to her dad's door and repeated the process.

“Henry! You have half an hour until you have to leave for work! Get your ass up!”

There was some shuffling on the other side of the door until it opened. Chelsea's dad stood there in nothing but a pair of boxers and a necklace with a peace sign.

“Oh my God!” she squealed and covered her eyes. “Dad!”

“Sorry Artemis, I just want to know where my pink shirt is.”

“Bottom drawer, next to the blue one.”

“Okay! Thanks Artemis!” Chelsea removed her hands when she heard the door shut. Sadie rushed past her and into the bathroom.

“Let me just straighten my hair!” she cried as she went. “I'll skip breakfast."

Rolling her eyes at her sister, Chelsea walked into the kitchen and passed Will the pain killers she had snagged before Sadie locked the door. He gratefully gulped them down. Naturally he was out with his friends last night, so this morning Chelsea presumed he would have a massive hangover. She then set a plate with bacon and eggs in front of him.

“Chess, are my ripped jeans in the wash?” Will asked as he ate.

“You're going to be more specific then that. Practically all of your jeans are ripped.”

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