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I wake up to the sun shining on my face, and the sound of an empty house. Both of my parents were at work, leaving me alone to do what I please. Normally when I'm home alone I tend to find whatever traces of chocolate and ice cream we have and demolish it, or I blast my music and jump around like a mental person. Turning over in my bed, I reached out to get my phone. My fingers grazed the side of the bed under my pillow where I always left it. Nothing.

You have got to be kidding me, I left it at Michaels. How did I not notice it was missing last night? That's what I get for being so preoccupied with whatever was going on in boys' heads. Groaning I get out of bed, throw on yoga pants and a hoodie, put my hair up, and I'm out the door. Luckily Michael only lives about ten minutes away so I don't die of withdraw right away. When I pull up to the house I remember it's only nine o'clock, Michael is probably still asleep. Whatever, I'll ring the doorbell until he answers.

Yet, I only ring the doorbell once before the handle turns, and I come face to face with a shirtless Luke. Keep calm. Keep calm, I tell myself as I take in his defined abs, and taunting v-line that leads straight to his boxers. I don't know who was more embarrassed, me or him. His face shows sign of bashfulness but he doesn't bother to cover up. Both of our eyes widened as we took in each other's morning appearances. I should've put on makeup, or an actual shirt.

"Nice pants," he smirks giving me an up down, making me awfully self-conscious as I know just where he is looking. Then again, I do rock the yoga pants, even half asleep I have to admit.

"Nice giraffe underwear," I smirk back at him. He chuckles, making me notice for the first time he has deepened dimples that make his smile brighter.

"So what brings you here this early? Missing Mikey that bad already?" he taunts, turning his head a bit to the side.

"No I left my phone here," I mumble embarrassed. "Since when did you become so..."

"So what?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Not shy," I question. He shrugged. So much for that, back to shy Luke. He stepped aside, letting me step inside. Shutting the door behind him, I watched as he picked a black t-shirt off the floor and slide it over his morning muscles.

"You don't have to stare," he said quietly, facing away from me. My face went bright red. How did he even notice? He was probably just used to gawking girls. He walked over to the kitchen, shaking his messy hair, making it more out of place, yet it looked perfect. Stop what am I thinking, I'm here to get my phone and that is all. Speaking of my phone, Luke came walking back over to me, with my phone in his hand. I reached out to take it but he shook his head, a taunting smirk plastered on his groggy face.

"Can I have that please?" I asked irritably as he lifted it up in the air. Gosh he was a giant. He looked at the notifications on my screen. His eyes hardened.

"Ashton texted you like five times," He turned the screen off, facing me, his eyes piercing through me. "So do you guys have like a thing?" I began laughing, like full on hysterics. The kind where you have to hold your stomach because it hurts, but when I looked up to see his softened, worried eyes I stopped.

"You're serious then?" I asked raising my eyebrows. He nodded, looking a bit defeated. I shook my head, "Of course not, Ash is like a brother to me," I told him straight up. His eyes flooded with relief. When he realized he let through to the other side of his hardened wall, he built it back up again.

"Just making sure Ashton doesn't get distracted from the band," he grunted. I've been friends with Ashton for so long, I wouldn't all the sudden be a distraction.

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