29. Hurt.

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"Your late!" Paul said as we got out of the truck. 

"Sorry, we lost track of time." Niall said lightly. 

"Well get in the building, you have half an hour to get dressed and get make-up done." 

“I'm going to wait for you near the entrance.” I said, Niall nodded, 

“Watch out for the fans, sometimes they can be a little to dedicated.” He warned, I nodded and gave him a parting smile. I turned and walked back down the hallway to the entrance, I sat down on a bench and the little voice in my head began to whisper. 'Dose Niall really like you? I don't see why he would, your so broken. So much to overlook. He would never ask you to be his girlfriend, besides you could never accept, he's to good for you. Why do you have to such a mistake?!' 

“Audrey! Do you know that girl that Liam drove home last night?” Paul asked, rushing up to me. I nodded. 

“Yeah, her names Cat. Why?” I asked worried. Paul waved me with him and led me to the boys makeup room. Louise was sitting on the sofa her arm around the person next to her. Sitting next to her was Cat, who had tears streaming down her face. 

I gasped in shock. 

She had bruises on her cheeks like she had been slapped over and over and blood and dirt on her face. Her shirt was ripped and dirty as where her pants, her hair was a mess. I walked over and Lou looked up at me, 

“She hasn't said anything, she just showed up at the back entrance like this. Paul saw her and recognized her and brought her in here.” She said, I nodded, shocked. 

'Catori, it’s me Audrey, do you remember?' I signed in sign language. Cat looked at me and started crying harder, she stood and wrapped her arms around me, sobbing into my shoulder, 

“Yes I remember,” She said out loud, 

“What happened?” I asked rubbing her back, Cat shuddered. 

“My mother.” 

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