A challange to be featured in my story

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Hey guys! It's your girl Tashi here!!!

I got some good news for y'all. (It was all Emiliano's ideas.)

We're going to have a challenge for y'all. Starting Wednesday (can't do tomorrow because it's my mom's birthday)

And the winner gets to be featured in my story Trolls 3! (Just let me know what color you want your troll to be)

Ok so here's the challenge, who ever can figure out these guesses correctly will be the Winner. And there will be 3 Winners!

But they will all be answered and the winners will be announced on ask Tashi and Emiliano.

Ok so here are the ones I chose (I try to make it simple 😅)

1. What's Tashi's favorite color?

2. Who do I like?

3. Am I Latina or Italian?

4. Who is my best guy friend?

Now here are some of Emiliano's (I'm going to kill him for asking one of these questions)

1. Do you promise to ask me and my Senpai any questions for the ask Tashi and Emiliano?

2. Am I taller than Tashi?

3. Guess how much she weighs? (Emiliano!!!! You're dead!!!!)

4. Does Tashi sneeze like a kitten or a monster?

5. Am I smexy or what? (Oh lord 😓🤣)

Ok that's all. And remember it's all doesn't have to be correct just most is fine. (I'm still going to kill Emiliano for talking me into doing this challenge) but if you get them all correct you will not only be featured in the story, you'll also be featured and a special guest of ask Tashi and Emiliano!!!

Ok that's all! Bye 😁😘

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