Chapter 11

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The Submarines - 1940 (AmpLive Remix)


I hit my bedroom floor with a loud thud.

I was panting and shaking, and my body was smoking. I ripped off my shirt, seeing steam rise from my skin. I felt like I was on fire.

I quickly scrambled into my bathroom, throwing the handle in my shower for cold water. The stream hit me, and I sighed with relief. I still had all my other clothes on, but I didn't care.

It was better than the pain.

Stepping out, I dried my hair with a towel and changed into dry clothes.

They knew. They knew the whole time about her.

Thinking of what Aphro had said, my eyes landed on the piece of paper, laying on my floor. I picked it up, sighing.

The address stared back at me.

A knock on my door jolted me from my trance.

"Come in."

Julian stepped in, his hair also wet, as if he had just showered.


"Hey, man." I put the paper on my desk.

"How far is your assignment?"

I gazed at the paper in his hand, my eyebrows knotting in confusion.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

He held up his paper. "Mine is two fucking hours away."

Glancing at my paper again, I realized that I recognized the name of the street.

"No, mine's in town."

He sighed, making a face. I couldn't help but look at his arms and notice a red bump close to where his veins were. I quickly looked away, back at my paper.

"I think I'm just going to get a hotel over there, man. I can't drive over there every day for a week."

I shrugged. "You'll probably get it done quicker if you stay there, yeah."

"Yeah..." He looked at the paper again. "Guess I'll just fucking leave now, then." He turned, headed back to his room, mumbling and cursing.

I turned back to my paper.

I had to do this. I had to fake that everything was normal.

I sighed, sitting on my bed. It was going to be a long day.

Just as night fell, I headed out of my room dressed in all black.

After picking up my car from the shop and going home, I figured I might as well go see what I'm getting myself into this time.

Julian had already left, and Rick was back home from work and eating dinner on the couch by the time I headed out.

"Where you goin'? You look like you're heading to a poetry slam," he said as I headed downstairs.

"How'd you know?" I grinned, grabbing my car keys and heading out so he couldn't ask anymore questions. I hated having to tell him I was working.

I headed to the new address, a bitter taste in my mouth.

I'm so sick of this shit. I hate it.

I parked on the opposite side of the street, glancing at the house.

It was a small, cream colored home with some dead grass and a minivan parked in the driveway. The back of the minivan had a sticker family on the back, and I could make out some booster seats inside the car.

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