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Naruto listened to Arashi with more focus than he'd ever given an academy instructor.

Arashi began telling him all the things he's learned about his bloodline over the years. "First, and most obvious, we regenerate at an unprecedented rate. Anything less than a lethal hit won't do damage that lasts more than a few seconds. Now, if you haven't noticed, I look like I'm still in my twenties, but I'm older than the third hokage. We don't just heal, our cells can actually be replicated an infinite number of times. The scientists I've gotten to study my body believe that as long as I have chakra and my body isn't completely destroyed I'm immortal... meaning you likely are too. I had to wipe the memories of those scientists because they realized something terrible. Our blood, if transferred into another individual, can slow the aging process to be more like us...they don't get regeneration but their cells gain the ability to replicate infinitely like ours. Since our body is constantly regenerating, we also get physical strength of a 'Peak Human'. You reach the absolute maximum strength your body is capable of, without any effort, and since the muscles constantly get saturated with chakra you get chakra enhanced strength as well." Arashi then looked into Naruto s eyes. "There's some downsides though."

"Are you kidding? That sounds awesome!" Naruto beamed happily.

Arashi looked up towards the sky. "Have you ever wondered why I rarely use chakra extensive jutsu, even though I've got nearly as much chakra as the kyuubi?"

Naruto shook his head, he'd seen him use a couple of fire and wind jutsu in training but...

"Its because regeneration eats up my chakra. I don't wanna be low on chakra if I take a nasty hit because the less chakra I have the slower I heal. Also I have to practice more control than normal ninja because my enhanced strength can hurt things around me without any effort. Pain still hurts, alot...The biggest downside, though...is seeing everyone you care about grow old and die..."

Naruto looked at his hands. "So... If I ever got married I'd have to give her my blood?"

"That's if she wanted it. She may want to grow old and die to be with her family in the afterlife, also shed have to go through watching the people she cared about die too." Arashi wasn't sugar coating anything, he wanted Naruto to completely understand that normal rules don't apply anymore...that regular life is out of the cards.

The blonde nodded. "I understand, I think..."

"I don't want you thinking it's all bad though. Look at it this way. If I had a normal lifespan, I never could've met you." Arashi squeezed his shoulders.

Naruto smiled at the elder Uzumaki. "Looks like Konoha has it's own pair of immortals..."


Arashi, once he was told the things Yari had done, decided to pay the little tyrant a visit.

He was gone for only two hours and stepped up to Tazuna. "Here. I took the pay for two S-class missions out, but I have Gato' s money sealed in this. "

"What about Gato?" Yamuna asked, getting Arashi to smirk.

Arashi stalked through Gato's base, silently knocking out thugs and hiding them all on the roof. When he found Gato he grinned, then shunshinned behind him. "Gato, of Gato Industries, time to die."

Gato whirled around, then was petrified by fear at the site. "R-Red hair... you're an Uzumaki..."

Arashi nodded, then stood to his full height. "Yup. Sadly, you sent two S-class ninja after my precious people."

Arashi blurred forward and grabbed Gato's wrist.


Arashi tore his arm off at the shoulder easily and then batted him away before Gato could even scream. The ending result looked like Gato had sat on an exploding tag.

"Tazuna... let's just say, I doubt he'll ever bother the people of Wave again."

Tazuna nodded and accepted the sealing scroll from Arashi.

"What are we gonna name the bridge?" Tazuna asked, his family and team Kurenai, along with Arashi.

Arashi shrugged and stepped outside.

Naruto watched him go as Inari said. "How about the Uzumaki bridge?"

Naruto shook his head, remembering the story Arashi had told him. "Tazuna... how about the Minami Bridge?"

Tazuna saw the look on Naruto's face. "Alright kid. It was your dad who saved the day by coming to help you... So the Minami Bridge it is."

_______weeks later______________

"I'm nominating you three for the chunin exams." Kurenai told her team.

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