Chapter 13

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The flashback was of the day aunt Kathy died. I was forced to watch her die all over again. But there was more than just one flash back. It was of when my sister died. When the alphas son bullied me in front of everyone. I had never known his name. But omegas usually never learned the name of the alphas son.But the thing was the alphas son looked strangely familiar. That's when I realized I did know who he was.

It was Kace.

Kace was the one who had made my life a living hell all those years ago. He was the reason I had to leave my pack. He was the reason I had no where to go and suffered my whole life. Everything was because of him.

But there was another part of the flashback that wasn't a memory of mine. It was the alpha, Kace's father. He was talking on the phone to someone. All I heard was "I don't care how many rogues it takes. If my boy doesn't like this little girl I'm gonna kill her and her whole family!"

Kace was the reason my aunt and sister died. All my pain and sorrow was because of him. All my suffering caused by him. Then he wanted to try and make me the Luna of the pack that I hated and hated me. The place I was tortured.

I snapped out of the daze and saw Anna in front of me. But she looked sympathetic. "Look Emmeline I'm really sorry but it was the only way to show you the truth. You would never have of let me inject you with something after what I said. And I'm sooty about what I said to you. But I was mad. You deserved nothing Kace did to you when we were kids. I was mad that he tried to act like he wasn't the one who did those things to you. He knew exactly who you were Emmeline.  He wouldn't let his pack know that because everyone thinks his the perfect alpha."

After Anna said that she broke down in tears. "No one should have to suffer what you went through. To be able to handle something like that Emmeline makes you the strongest person I know. And the bravest." She said.

I nodded. I didn't know what to say. I just had to watch my aunt and sister die again. Have to suffer through all the beating and hurtful words my pack said. I realized my mate was my bully and how much everyone lied to me.

"Come on. I think you should get some rest" Anna said taking my hand. As soon as she did a low, deep growl was heard from the shadows on the other side of the room. Then out stepped Kace his eyes completely black. "You weren't supposed to tell her" he growled. "She wasn't supposed to know about any of this" he said. The I heard a gun shot and Anna dropped dead beside me.

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