Chapter 9.

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dedicated to the only person who gave me hope to write some more by just her comment.. Thank you @XoSecretXo :) .. 


[not edited]

Xavier's P.O.V

I patiently stood there, waiting for her to start shouting, cursing, hell, to even cry but she just kept looking at me with disbelief etched across her face.

"What...", she spoke softly. I sighed in annoyance. I don't have time for this!. I walked towards her and took hold of her arm.

"Firstly, I dislike repeating myself and lastly, this wedding contract will take place whether you like it or not.", I growled out. She gasped and snatched her arm out of my hold.  


This cannot be happening. He is an arrogant billionaire. Though he saved me from the robber, he still is a jerk!. He cant be the Xavier I knew!. No!, he cant be my sweet Xav....

My Xav...

I shook my head and took some steps behind. My head started pounding with so many unanswered questions which left me grasping my head tightly between my hands. I kept on walking backwards when suddenly I tripped over a pile of stones, the last thing I saw was Xavier running towards me while shouting my name before everything turned black.



I ran quickly towards her before she could hit the ground. I grasped her arms and held her closer to me. I couldn't help but think how perfect she fit in my arms. I couldn't keep my eyes off of her tonight especially her lips, the way she bit her lower lip unconsciously every time made me want to grab and ravish her right then and there on the table disregarding who was there and watching us. I groaned and mentally shook my head. This is not the right time to think about these things. I have got to tame these wild thoughts about her. She is just a part of the contract that's all. 

Balancing her body with one arm, I used my free hand to write a quick text to John explaining why Kathryne and I had to leave so suddenly. I placed my phone inside my pocket and used both of my arms to carry her towards my car. Upon reaching the car, I gently laid her on the backseat and drove as fast as possible to the penthouse. After twenty whole minutes of rough driving and cursing, I finally reached the penthouse and wasted no more time in getting her inside. 

I gently laid her on the bed and removed her shoes. She mumbled some words incoherently and drifted off to sleep again. I sighed and and moved slowly towards her. Her hair was wildly framing her face making her twitch in her sleep every now and then. I moved her hair out of her face and gazed at every inch of her face. Her long eyelashes softly touching her cheeks, her full pink kissable lips and her dimples, everything about her grabs my attention. The attention I should have been paying towards my aim instead.

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