Chapter Twenty Five

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AN: Okay guys I am SOOO sorry it had taken me so long. Finals have me swamped and on top of finals, I have a research paper for Psychology taking up all of my time. So it is short but here it is. Hope it's enough to keep you sated :)


       Finally reaching the dock, everyone climbed out and got into their "teams'. Alex figured Lillian would be baby shopping. Alex's main goal was to pamper Alma anyway she could. Dakota had called ahead and got them all vehicles. They were to all meet up here when they had finished. Alex got the smaller SUV. Her first stop was the mall. Unfortunately for the kids, they would probably have to run the bags back to the truck. The whole ride to the mall was filled with Alma and the children laughing and singing along to the radio. Alex didn't mind. Alma was happy and that made her happy. Jake and Amelia had been to a mall before but Emma and Olive never have. They were in awe as they walked through the front doors. Amelia grew excited. "Mom! Mom can I run get something? Please! I will come straight back.", Amelia begged. Alex smiled. "Of course darling.", Alex smiled. Happy that she had permission, Amelia ran off. The other three children happily followed their mothers from store to store. With Alex's pretty much unlimited bank, they bought something from virtually every store. When the bags were too much to carry, the children would run them out to the truck. Alma beamed with joy as she bounced from store to store. Amelia finally found them again. She had one bag in her hand. Alex raised her eyebrow at her. "I got presents for all the kids!", Amelia explained excitedly. Alex just smiled at her child. Alma was looking through shirts when her head suddenly shot up. Alex searched her face quickly. "I'm hungry.", Alma said plainly. Alex laid her head against the rack in frustration. "Alma darling, you are going to give me a heart attack from stress.", Alex joked. "Children, are you hungry?", Alma asked. The children all nodded. "Good!, Alex dear can we go get food?", Alma chirped. Alex nodded and showed them to the food court. Alma's eyes widened in excitement. "Amelia darling, can you help everyone get their food? Do you have enough? I am going to run around with Alma.", Alex laughed. Amelia nodded and led everyone to get food. Alma jumped from place to place. Alex couldn't hold in her laughter at her soon to be wife. Once everyone had their food, they all sat down to eat. Alma ate happily. "Can we get deserts after?", Alma asked with her mouth full. The children laughed. "Yes.", Alex replied as she ate her fries. To everyone's surprise, Alma ate all of her food and some of Alex's. As they left the food court, Alma intertwined her fingers with Alex's. A smile spread across Alex's face. Thankfully for the children, they were done shopping. The children began to drag behind as they made their way to the truck. They had been there for hours. Even Alma had grown tired. Alex was slightly worried at how much Lillian and the rest had bought. She knew better than to say no though. Lillian was going to spoil her grandchild and no one was going to stand in her way. Alex just hoped that her mom and dad could rekindle the flame they once had. Their story sounded so beautiful. Alex felt somewhat at fault for what happened. As Alex was deep in her thoughts as she drove, Alma suddenly screamed. "Stop the truck!". Alex slammed on brakes. Before the truck had come to a complete stop, Alma had jumped out. Alex, of course, jumped out right after her. "Alma what the fuck?', Alex yelled. Alma was bent over something in the road. When she stood back up, Alma was holding a small turtle. "He was gonna get hit!", she complained. Alex facepalmed hard. "Alma put it somewhere safe and get back in the truck.", Alex growled in frustration. Alma happily carried the squirming turtle over to the water and let him go. They got back in the truck with the children laughing hysterically. After about a mile or so, Alma excitedly yelled again. "Puppies!!!". Alex once again slammed on the brakes. "Alma I swear to god I am never driving you anywhere again!", Alex panted in frustration. Alma jumped out and ran towards an older man with a box of puppies. Alex smiled and pulled over. Everyone climbed out to see the puppies. "Alex can we get one?? Please!!", Alma begged. Alex gave in quickly to the begging woman. "How much sir?", Alex asked as Alma held a puppy for the children to see. "Free to a good home.", the man smiled. Alex smiled and handed him a twenty anyways. "What's this for?", he asked softly. Alex smile. "Making her day.", she replied. The old man smiled brightly as Alex ushered everyone back to the truck. "No more stopping me.", Alex warned. Alma nodded and held the puppy close. Alex looked at it closely for the first time. It was a nice healthy german shepherd. She smiled and continued on their way. These nine months were going to be long and frustrating for everyone. 

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