Chapter 4

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I dedicated this to Cleotheeboss because she's an amazing fan :)


“I’m nervous.” I said to Max while sitting in my car in front of my house.

                “Don’t worry, everything will be fine.” He assured me, kissing me on the cheek.

                It was our two month and I still had yet to tell my parents that I had been dating someone. Max understood and totally accepted my decision. I was just afraid that my parents would bombard him with questions and then give me a stupid sex talk.

                Our relationship was going great. We’d take turns on who’d come out to where, and we’d text and call nonstop. Amy and Lori were totally supportive, too. I liked Max a lot and they knew that, mostly because I talked about him constantly. He was my first real boyfriend, of course I was happy.

                “Alright, I guess we should go inside.” I said and opened up my door.

                He followed me to the front and then inside. I could hear my parents in the kitchen, they were probably eating dinner. I slowly walked into the kitchen and looked at them. “Hey mom, dad, I have someone I want you to meet.”

                They both turned their heads towards me and waited. I motioned for Max to come into view, and when he did, my parents stood up. “This is my boyfriend, Max. We’ve been dating for two months.” I said.

                “Two months? Why didn’t you tell us, sweetie?” My mom asked.

                I shrugged my shoulders. “I don’t know.” I said.

                My dad walked up to him and held out his hand. “Nice to meet you, son.” He said and smiled.

                Max kindly shook my dad’s hand. “Nice to meet you too.”

                I looked over to my mom who seemed worried, but I tried to ignore her expression. “Come with me to the living room, we’ll have a man to man talk.” My dad said.

                “Dad!” I whined.

                “It’s alright, Hollie, I don’t mind.” Max told me.

                I sighed and watched them leave into the living room, then turned to my mom. “Sit down.” She said and patted the seat next to her at the table.

                I did what she asked and waited for her to speak. “So, tell me about him.” She smiled.

                “Well, he goes to NIU, and he’s going to be a junior.” I told her. It was already summer, and I was on my way to being a senior.

                “Don’t you think he’s a little old, Hollie?” She asked.

                I shook my head. “Mom, I’ll be eighteen soon, it’s fine.” I told her.

                She sighed and nodded. “As long as you know what you’re doing.” She said and gave me a look.

                I didn’t understand it but I didn’t ask. I decided to go check on Max and my father, so I got up and walked into the living room. They were both laughing which made me feel a little better. When they saw me, they both smiled. “This kid’s great, Hollie!” My dad exclaimed and they both started laughing again.

It Runs In the Family (sequel to A Painful Love)Where stories live. Discover now