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                         Y/N pov

We ran from them as fast as we could. The heroes wouldn't catch least not today.

They were trying to shoot at us. "Alley way!" Angel said to us. We each hid in a diffrent alleyway.

That lost the Heroes. I felt a hand wrap around my waist. "The fuc-" A cloth was placed on my mouth and I was out cold.

I wake up tied to a chair. "Fuck..." I mumbled trying to get out. I heard footsteps and I looked up. "Look who's awake" He said. This was none other than Wildcat a Criminal.

"What do you want from me?" I asked him. "What was a pretty girl like doing in an Alleyway?" He asked. I sighed "Running..." I said. He leaned in a bit. "From who?" He asked me.

"Cops! I'm a goddamn Criminal just like you!" I screamed He lifted his mask up and I could see under that pig mask lied a gorgeous man.

He leaned in a bit more. "Gang name?" He asked. If I told his the gang name he would be out to get us...Trust me Angel has done that for her love.

"The F-" I was cut off by glass breaking. "Where is she?" I heard a man ask. "Where is she?!" He screamed making it clear to me who he was.

"Chilled Calm down..." Angels calming voice said. "No she's my sister!" Wildcat grabbed a gun and ran out. I knew what was happening. I heard a vent open and looked up revealing Sasha.

She grabbed a knife and broke me free. "Let's go Ava has the helicopter" She said leading me out. We see the Helicopter outside and Entered it. Fox, Angel, and Blake enter not soon after.

I looked down seeing Wildcat. "Goodbye..." I said and waved. He waved back. Shit I'm in love with a bigger Criminal than I am I thought.

Vanoss And Friends X Reader One-shots{Complete} Under EditingWhere stories live. Discover now