Chapter Six

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A/N chapter six guys, ooooh;) ahahahah:3 i hope you guys are enjoying it and thankyou so much for the reads and votes ilyilyilyily! keep smiling(: x x x


I jumped down off his waist and grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the door. We hopped down the stairs and into the kitchen to find a note saying 'I've gone to the shops, be back at about 5 - mum x

Neither of us had said a word since, well, that had happened. But the silence was comfortable, not awkward. I sat down at the breakfast bar and he walked over to the fridge grabbing the orange juice. He grabbed two glasses and set them down in front of him, half filling them with the orange juice before putting it away. He pushed one of the glasses towards me and i gladly took it, finishing it in one go and setting the glass back down on the counter. 

We both looked up at this moment and my eyes met his. I couldn't look away. I could feel my cheeks burning and i noticed his were a slight pink. 

He broke the silence first, "Have i repaid you?" he chuckled

"i think you did more than that, i might be in debt to you now" i giggled along with it, jumping up from the stool. "whatcha wanna do?" i asked tilting my head to the side and smiling at him.

"Well, it depends, what time does m'lady need to be home?" oh, i'd forgotten it was monday and i needed to be home. 

"er, well, if i can stay for dinner, i guess i can be back around nine" i giggled

"you're welcome to" he smiled, before putting both of our glasses in the dishwasher.

"Let me just text my mum and tell her" i said pulling my phone out of my bra, "So, my question still stands, what are we going to do?" i asked pulling him towards me.

"Lets talk, i wanna know more about you" he said, smiling and blushing

"your room?"


we began walking out of the kitchen, me following him. Suddenly, i had an idea. Just before he reached the stairs i ran up behind him and jumped up onto his back. Luckily he caught on to what i was doing before i fell back down and his muscular arms grabbed onto my thighs and held me tight as we climbed the stairs.

"such a child" he chuckled to himself, just like earlier.

"shh" i said before kissing his cheek. 

We reached his room and he let me climb down and into his bed, where we had been only ten minutes earlier, and the first time i had felt those rosy pink lips. I smiled at the memory, i knew it was something i would never forget. 

"So, tell me about your senior school" he questioned, "your friends and what happened and stuff"

oh boy. did we have to talk about that. 

"hmm, there's not really much to say to be honest." i began with, "uhm, my best friend was Shannon and idk, it wasn't the best time of my life..." i trailed off

he looked at me with a mix of worry and sadness. 

"Tell me more about you" i smiled "First off, how did you come to move from Australia to here?"

the look on his face told me he felt the same as back home as i had about the previous five years of my life. 

"uhm, well, my two brothers are still there, Ben and Jack, they're with my dad, uhm, well i think they have moved out now i don't know..." he thought for a bit before carrying on, "my parents split up over stuff that had happened to us, and they couldn't agree on what the best thing to do was. My dad thought we should just stay there and get over it, my mum wanted to get away, and she came here because she spent several summers over here when she was little, so she knew it was safe and stuff." I let him ramble, i was in love with his voice and i wanted to find out about him. 

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