Short chapter
Grayson and I both came to school in his car with the music blasting as Always with the people's dirty looks.
You gotta love highschool. As I was exiting the car. I saw Josh and Andy talking but it look as if he was trying to hold her down. I rushed over to her.

"Andy" I smiled, she smiled once she saw me but Josh looked pissed. Bastard. I pushed her against the wall kissing her as Josh stood there feeling awkward.

"Oh hey Josh didn't see you there" he looked me up and down

"Whatever Dolan I'll see you Saturday" he winks at Andy and she punches him in his stomach. Ah ma girl.

"What does he mean by that" I shrug and swing my arm around her

"God knows he's a creep" I feel bad for lying to her but it's the only way I can finish all this bullshit without getting her involved.
During class I couldn't stop thinking about Andy and how so much as happened because of me. I wish I could restart with her and do things the right way instead of hurting her.

"Ethan.ethan"Grayson says snapping me out of my thoughts

"Sorry" I sit up and put my down

"What's going on with you ?" He whispers

"I've just been thinking a lot lately" I can't tell Grayson or hell hate me to


"Shits been going down" he nods

"Don't worry bro I got you" he pats my back and I force a smile. I wish I could tell him but I can't. I lost everything expect for her.

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