Chapter 12 ~ Tired

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Cross's POV

"Do you think this 'hostage' will really help?" Chara shrugged. "How the hell am I supposed to know? We haven't even seen the human yet. And WHY did another Sans throw a slipper at you?" I groaned at the memory. "That guy probably has some weird issues. Which sane creature would throw their shoes at others? For no apparent reason at all?!"

I sat down onto the living room's couch, making myself comfortable from the mission we were on while Chara flew next to me. Nightmare wanted us to find some sort of crystal, whatever he needs that thing for. It wasn't quite as easy as one might think. At first we had to find out in which universe such crystal was located, then we had to find the exact position, and last but not least, I had to get it out of a dungeon. Usually I would say Chara and me did this, but apparently I had to do this on my own since that pussy couldn't handle the dungeon's monsters any longer. Chara fucking screamed into my face while I ran away from a horde of chickens. Yes, chickens. Those evil beasts were guarding the place and protecting the crystal in it. And I'm pretty sure they weren't there before we entered the darker areas.

I was scarred for life, though. Those chickens' eyes were fucking soulless, they creeped us both out. They could probably invade a universe full of insane killers if they wanted to, that thought creeped me out even more.

I was so exhausted that I didn't even notice Killer sitting next to me, munching on a chocolate bar. Wait. CHOCOLATE BAR?!

I whipped my head around to face him with a glare, Killer gave me an emotionless look. "what? i'm exhausted from boredom, so let me at least eat some chocolate." As I was about to protest while Chara glared knives at him, the living room's door creaked open, revealing Error and a pretty human.

'... Pretty?!'

"WHAT THE FUCK." I screamed, making Chara flinch at my sudden comment. "Ow! What's the big idea?! Don't increase your volume, you idiot! I can still hear you, you know?!" "Um... whoops? Sorry?" Chara pouted at my terrible apologie. Error raised a bonebrow at me, probably thinking why I screamed at the sight of the human and talked to the air again. He knows that I'm talking to Chara, but it probably still looked ridiculous.

I sheepishly waved at him. "Um... Hey there, Error!" The girl next to him slightly tilted her head as she looked at me in curiousity. If it weren't for the fact that she looked like she cried a few minutes ago then I would have probably told Chara that she looked cute. But his expression already told me he thought the same as me.

Error huffed. "hMpF. jUsT To mAkE SoMeThInG cLeAr, DoN't hArM ThE hUmAn In aNy Way, yOu MiGhT rEgReT YoUr aCtIoNs. I could feel how Killer gave him a look of disapproval to say 'u fukin wot m8?' Little did I know the human girl giggled to herself at the sight of Killer's expression. Error gave her a small glare in an attempt to shut her up.

Killer smirked as he heard her giggle, then he loudly munched on the chocolate, getting all the attention back to him. "y r u havin' a fokin giggle, gurl? fite me and il smack ye fookin head. i swer on me non-exist-mum!" He said making the human break into a fit of giggles. I didn't know why, but I had the sudden urge of smacking Killer instead of him smacking the girl.

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