Chapter 24- Connor's POV

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I'm lying in bed desperately craving cuddles, but unfortunately Brad isn't here to provide them. He's at his show, and I would be there with him if it weren't for the fact that I'm ill. I've been feeling dizzy and sick all day, and just not wanting to leave my bed. Brad hadn't been sure about going- "Are you sure you'll be ok? I don't want to leave you."

I'd smiled in response. "I'll be fine. Go and have fun." As bad as it sounds, I kind of wish he was here. He spent the whole day with me, so it's not unreasonable for him to go out this evening, but I miss him. I'm always clingy when I'm ill or in pain, and this is no exception. But I have to get  through it. 

I wish I could have gone to Brad's show- l love seeming him happy, and it makes me so proud to see him up there with just his guitar. But sadly, I felt like I was going to throw up every time I even moved, so I'm stuck at home. I roll over in bed, trying to  get comfortable. In an ideal world, I'd be able to snuggle into Brad's chest, but right now it's just me. I'm not usually opposed to a bit of my own company, I'm used to feeling lonely, but I just want my boyfriend.

Suddenly, my phone lights up with a message. I pick it up, hoping desperately that it's Brad. Despite the nausea, I feel myself smile when I read 'I'll be back in 20 mins. How're you feeling?' I respond with 'I'm hanging in there xx', then slump back in bed. I'm tired, but I don't want to go to sleep until Brad's back. 

After what feels like forever, I hear the click of a lock followed by Brad calling "Hey Con!"

"Hey." I reply weakly.

He comes in and sits on the bed next to me, running a hand through my hair. "My poor baby. Still feeling sick?"

I nod. "Not as much though."

"Good." he says, leaning down to kiss my forehead. "I'll just get changed, then I'll be right back." He's true to his word, returning within a few minutes. He climbs into bed beside me, and I smile at the realisation that there's finally someone to cuddle me. I shift so I can rest my head on his chest, and he wraps an arm around me. "I missed you." he says absent mindedly. 

I give him a small giggle in response. "You were only out for a couple of hours."

"I know." he says. "But it was fun. You would have enjoyed it if you weren't feeling ill."

"I'll come next time." I promise.

We lay there in a comfortable silence until Brad says "Remember when you looked after me when I was ill?"

I smile softly, feeling tiredness creep up on me. "You weren't ill, you were hungover. There's a difference."

"I was still sick." Brad argues, but I know he's joking. 

Despite the comfort of having Brad cuddle me, I still feel ill. "I'm really lightheaded." I whine, rolling over and looking up at Brad.

He puts a hand on my forehead then quickly takes it off with a shocked look on his face. "Jesus Con. That's a fever and a half." 

I bite my lip. "I'm sorry."

"Don't apologise." Brad says firmly. "It's not your fault that you're ill."

I just sigh, but panic when he starts getting up. "Don't leave me." I almost beg pathetically.

He smiles. "I'm not leaving you, I promise. I'll be right back, I'm just getting you some painkillers." I need him to come back even more than I did earlier, so I breathe a sigh of relief when he returns with some tablets and a glass of water. "Take this." he says, handing me the glass with a singular pill. I wince- I hate taking pills, but I know I'll feel better if I do. Brad kisses my forehead once I've taken it. "Well done. Now you need to get some sleep babe, you'll feel better in the morning."

"I hope so." I mumble, snuggling back into his chest. He says something in response, but I'm so tired I don't take it in. I'm still too hot, so I end up stripping down to just my boxers and sleeping on top of the duvet. I still need Brad's comfort though, so he's doing his best to hold me like this. It seems to work though, as I'm feeling really tired. 

Brad starts rubbing my back, and I have to fight to not let out a whimper at how soothing it feels. I'm so exhausted that I can barely speak, but I manage to let out a quiet "I love you."

Brad hears though, as he kisses my forehead and says "I love you too." If I wasn't ill, I'd be able to show my gratitude for the cuddles more, but Brad knows. He knows how much I love him, but that doesn't stop me telling him all the time. He tells me as well, and does so just before I go to sleep. I don't respond, but neither of us mind.


I should say that I have precisely no medical knowledge, and this was just meant to be nice and fluffy. Let me know if you enjoyed it 🤗 Also sorry for lack of update, I went to see the boys last Saturday (and it was SO GOOD)

I signed up for 4 uni open days today 😱 I don't want to be a grown up.

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