Moving In

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I am so sorry that I've been gone for so long. I have one word for you: exams. They're freaking awful things. And then project hell came along. Meh. You probably already stopped reading this by now. To those of you that are still reading this note, I applaud you.

"What, in the name of Merlin is taking those two so long?" Matilda muttered anxiously, tapping her foot. "Do you think they got caught?"

"No, I'm sure not. Louise is smarter than that." Aaron frowned, remembering an incident with a few of the people who made fun of him for being a muggle-born. "Ok, maybe he's not quick on his feet, but he wouldn't be careless about something like this."

They all agreed with Aaron's statement, but still waited anxiously, either for an announcement or for the library door to be opened.

The library door opened, followed by two pairs of footsteps running inside. "Guys," Louise grinned. "You wouldn't believe how lucky we got."

"Yeah, okay, never mind that. We can talk about that later. Let's get you," she pointed at Callum, "into the Room that Shows what We Want first. Sitting like this in the open is making me nervous."

"Right now? But I want to explore a little." Callum said, eagerly. "I have this Gryffindor uniform on me. Why can't I look around and see the other houses too?"

"Uh, no kid. You can't do that." Aaron explained. "It's against the rules and'll probably get us all in trouble."

"I wish I could though." Alecia replied. "All those books in the Ravenclaw common room... I mean, sure, I can always go to the library, but it's so much more convenient to just have it in the common room. And there's no curfew." She pouted at Matilda. "You have no idea how lucky you are."

Matilda smirked in response. "Trust me, I do."

"Sooo, can I explore?"

"No, it's late into the year, and at this point, everyone knows everyone. If you randomly came in, you'd probably stick out like a sore thumb." Matilda answered. She frowned at the face he was making. "Look, I know it sucks, but the room you're going into will offer you enough entertainment so you don't get bored."

"Will you come and show me some magic while I'm in there?"

"Yeah, sure."

Callum grinned. "Then let's go."

The four formed a circle around him, loose enough to look natural, but tight enough to keep the muggle boy away from prying eyes, and they quickly walked towards what they called The Room that Shows What they Want.

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