Bonus Chapter (Q&A)

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The character Q&A's will be called Bonus Chapters. Let me know in the comments if you ever want to see anymore!!

This is going to be set up as a behind the scenes thingie. To be honest, I got my inspiration for these types of bonus chapters from a book called Wild Side by harreh_curls

It's a wonderful book and it's amazingly written so if you haven't read it yet, please do!!!

Anyways, here is the Character Q & A!!!

If anyone gets confused, the idea behind this is that I've brought the characters out into our world so that they can film a little video for you, answering the questions before I send them back.


"Louis, is it ready?" Harry asks, peering over at his best friend who sits in front of the group of friends, trying to figure out how to use a tripod.

"Shut up, I'm trying Harold." Louis scoffs.

"I'm so impatient, hurry up already," Harry whines. Louis mumbles something under his breath as he works to fix the video camera while the rest of the group sits on a couch behind him. Anne sits patiently with her legs crossed, one over the other, and her hands clasped with an innocent smile on her face.

"That portal we came through was so cool! I never knew she'd actually be able to bring us outside of our world through a...oh, what did she call it?" Cimone asks.

"A computer?" Stella asks. Cimone nods.

"A computer. Remarkable." Cimone beams.

"The twenty first century is such a remarkable place," she beams, looking at Harry who gives her a 'the hell is wrong with this woman' look.

"That's nice mum," Harry replies. Anne shakes her head.

"No really! At the place with those big metal dragons, there were these nifty little sinks you could wash up in and they gave out free mints! Look!" she exclaims as she reaches behind her and pulls out a blue bar. There is a stamped dove on the top of it and Harry looks at her.

"That's soap, mum," he sighs. Anne looks down at the bar before back up at her son.

"It does smell quite nice...I think I'll keep this soap."

Cimone types away on a laptop, wearing glasses as she struggles to make sense of the technology.

"I swear to God," Cimone mumbled, "she should've just left us in the story...why bring us out here and make us interact with technology we don't even know how to use? For crying out loud, we're from the times of the dragons! Not....*she reads the tag* Apple?"

"There has to be some sort of button," Clary says, reading what seems to be a note of some sort, "at least that's what S, the author...or our creator hahaha, said here. There should be a red button that says 'record'...Niall is there a button on that camera?"

"The only red button I'm seeing is an easy button from this store called Staples," Niall calls from somewhere in the living room.

"I miss the fourteenth century," Eliana mumbles. Peter giggles while Harry glances at them sadly. Stella notices and coughs, earning Harry's gaze. She offers him a cheeky smile to which Harry chuckles and shakes his head.

Valentina sits on the couch beside Harry. She keeps trying to make eye contact with him as he uncomfortably shifts to the opposite side. Bridgette notices from her place beside Eliana and furrows her eyebrows.

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