Chapter Six

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Word Count: 1820


I was jostled awake by someone pulling at my feet.

Pulling my legs up to my chest, I groan in protest at Sky's use of her key way of waking me up back when we were kids. She grabs the edge of my duvet before I could pull it straight over my head. My head aches too much for sunlight today.

"Wake up, would you?" Sky prompts, yanking the sheets right to the edge of the bed so I was exposed.

I raised my head to glower at her before I shoved it back into the pillow.

"We need to talk about last night," Sky insists. This actually sinks in, causing me to finally raise myself up enough to give her my full attention. Last night was the party, full of dancing and clear liquid and...I can't really remember. I don't even remember how I got home, which means I must have gotten blackout drunk.

Which most definitely isn't like me.

"Last night," I test my voice. It sounds hoarse, as if I slept with my mouth open. Last night really left me in a strange state. "How did I get home?"

Sky rolls her eyes at me, pushing herself off the bed. She makes her way toward the dresser, opening it to pull out a pair of sweatpants. At the sight of them, I realise I'm only in my bra and underwear, which means Sky must have undressed me. Usually I would do that for her when she would come home drunk when we were teenagers. It feels odd to be in her position.

"They drove us home? Don't you remember?" she asks, frowning slightly as she turns to toss the pants over at me.

"No," I say, pushing my hair back in confusion. "I don't remember anything. All I remember is us dancing then everything kind of went...blank."

I remember clearly the dancing we did. We felt like children, prancing around the floor with all those rich people, not a care in the world on our side. Then Sky abandoned me, and I walked over to the bar. The moment I sat down there, everything went blank, and for the life of me, I can't begin to think of what happened past that point till now.

"You must have drunk more than I thought," Sky says breezily, dismissing my confusion.

"You know I do remember you ditching me out there," I remind her, narrowing my eyes as I hop out of bed. I'm planning to shower since I still smell like the party.

Sky sighed, looking guilty. "I had things to do."
"Things to do? What could be so important that you had to leave your sister on her own to get drunk and do who knows what?" I question, the irritation in my voice hopefully getting through to her. I may have wandered off and done something I would regret if I was sober, and now I will never know, since my sister decided I could handle myself.

It was Sky's confused expression that cut through my thoughts. "I think someone told me I had to dance."

"Told you?"

"Yeah. I just remember dancing all night long, and then you came to me and told me we had to leave, which I agreed with. My feet are still killing me."

Strange. That's all I could think about that.

"We witnessed the party, and that's all anyone has to hear about. Anyways, don't you have an audition to practice for?" Sky says before walking out the door. That kicks me into action. If I don't get these lines down then I'll spending the rest of this year as poor as I have been this year.

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