Chapter 42

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Art by RandomPerson3457.
Third person point of view-

The land was dry and barren of life. The dirt had hardened, leaving some stops to become as thick as stone. The sky was filled with clouds that flashed with bolts of bright lightning, the thick gray covering the vast sky above that was not blue, but a grayish yellow. It was warm and the water in patches of drying up pounds was undrinkable, as it was green and so contaminated that it was like drinking poison. The only things there were other than that were dead shrubs, the dead tree trunks, the occasional destroyed house, and a destroyed city to the southern west just beyond imperial territory. And statues of Drake, much like when there were ones of Armen when he was possessed.
This was Herobrine's doing. He had turned this once beautiful place into a wasteland.
Grayson looked up as he rode upon his stallion with pure white fur and a long mane that fell to the right of its head and neck. It was covered in bright silver armor, standing tall with the saddle on it's back. It's hooves scratched at the dried dirt as it ran, occasionally lifting up grains of dry sand and stomping on the dead shrubs. He bounced as it ran across the desert like land, his armor clanging and his dark green cape flapping behind him.
The sun was already beginning to set after their long journey across the wasteland, the orange golden glow barely visible in the distance as the clouds slowly inched over the light until it was completely covered, leaving the land shrouded in faint darkness. The land was once lush, vast with springs that spouted from the hills, the ground covered in dark green grass and shrubs. It was filled with Sacred oak trees planted centuries ago that stood tall in their places as they breached from the fine soil within the ground. The sky was once a beautiful deep blue, but now it turned into a mixture of a sickening yellow and grey. All plant life died out, some leaving behind dead trunks, and the springs had dried up, leaving only the occasion pool of toxic water.
A land once sacred and treasured, reduced to a valley of death and despair.

"So after Drake died... and you came back," Grayson had to yell in order to be heard with the wind rushing into their ears. "The power of your soul went into one of the diamonds and replaced Drake's while the power of his soul is now trapped in his body that's being used as a vessel?"

The new emperor's skin underneath his armor and clothing was covered in sweat and goosebumps, not just because of the burning heat followed by a sudden drastic drop in temperature, but because he was anxious for this moment to finally arrive. They were finally going to kill Herobrine after all these painful years. They were finally going to end the bloodshed and madness and ease their heavy minds and hearts. That was, if they were able to pull this off. Even then, what about Drake? Well, as long as they killed that monster, then it would be better for their fallen comrade rather he came back to them or remained dead. They would save him from the suffering.

Armen gave a nod but remained staring at the ground ahead. "Yeah, basically. Now, if we can do this right, activate the portal, summon Herobrine, trap him and perform the spell correctly with the diamonds, we can free Drake."

"Why is the portal so important? We can just let him fade away and no longer exist in this realm!"

Armen shook his head. "No! If we open the portal, we could get him to go back to the Nether. If we don't, he could stay and possibly easily repossess Drake's body. We have to do this right."

Grayson thought and said them aloud. "But we only have two diamonds! Do we not need a third one since it was destroyed?"

Armen explained in further detail. "Well, like I said before, we are technically the three diamonds. You, Drake, and I. This is going to be very dangerous and has a high risk of getting us killed, but we can use a spell to trap Herobrine, we could probably make physical contact and find a way to reach out to Drake's soul. We'll recite the spell in that book and exorcise Herobrine out of the vessel."

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