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Harry wasn't feeling to great a few days later he didn't take his medicine and he didn't feel like getting out of bed.

And he really didn't want to be bothered with either so he went to the book store which was downtown he went there when he wasn't feeling himself.

"Long time no see Harry" Barb said and Harry zoned her out and went to the back of the store and sat.

He sat there for 5 hours without realizing it as he counted everything in the store.

378 books
17 vinyls
24 light bulbs
8 couches
1 table
4 chairs
12 transactions
1 Harry

His cellphone went off and harry groaned resting his head against the cherrywood table and answered it.

"Hey Harry how are you?" Anne's voice rang through the device and caused vibrations against the table.

He wanted to smash the phone into a million pieces.

"Yes mumma?" Harry sighed his voice was nasally because his (large) nose was against the table.

"I know you said you didn't like therapist but I found a group of people just like you and it's essentially therapy but it looks fun. I just wanted to know if you would like to join the first session is at 7 today?" Harry could hear other voices and the sound of pen against paper.

"You're already there and signing me up so why not" Harry sighed, Harry was smart and sometimes Anne underestimated how smart he was.

"Bye mumma" Harry said when he heard Anne quietly groan.

Harry hung up but kept his head down until the shop had to close which was at 6. He was there since 9am

Harry stood and went back home he had an hour to eat something and take a shower.

Unlocking the door harry went to the bathroom and started the shower within 3 minutes he used up $2.35 worth of water.

Harry let the water run while he popped bread in the toaster.

7 came by quickly and Anne honked the horn for Harry to come outside.

"Harry I think you'll enjoy this group and maybe you can make some friends.

"The only friend I like is Jade and I want her to be more then a friend" Harry said quietly and looked out the window.

Anne pulled up to a developmental center and harry covered his ears there were people machines and kids everywhere.

"Third room on the left" a receptionist said and Anne and Harry went down the hallway.

"Hi are you Harry?" "Yes...follow me, mom you can just sit in the lobby"

Harry was brought into a library sort of room filled with...7, 8, 9

10 other people and it wasn't quiet but it wasn't loud either.

"Okay Harry, Anne told me that you have Aspergers and that you are able to control your own so today we were gonna introduce ourselves"

Harry read Collie on the name tag. "So you can have a seat wherever"

Harry sat in a chair away from everyone else so he was still in the conversation but not around everyone.

One person in particular wouldn't stop rocking back and forth and it annoyed Harry because of the sound the chair would make.

"I'm Joey I have Aspergers and I'm 22 I don't like people to repeat things and I do like order."

"Okay Har.."

"I know I can count... I'm Harry, I'm 20 I have Aspergers I enjoy being alone and I hate loud things like Catherine" Harry said pointing to the girl who kept screaming.

"Harry that's not nice to say"

"I think you forgot I'm 20 years old I am older than you" Harry pointed out.

"Okay let's just take a break"

Harry stood and went over to the window and Joey followed.

"Hey?" Harry said, "um I know you probably don't want to talk but I don't like any of these people here" Joey said.

"They're idiots" Harry said not looking away from the window.

"I know...why are you here?" "My mumma signed me up and I have nothing better to do today. I wish Jade could've come."

"Jade your girlfriend?" "I don't know yet, she doesn't even know I have Aspergers."

"If she didn't talk to you after she met you then you can probably still hang out. "

"Fuckery!...biscuits!..." Liz yelled and harry closed his ears.

So far he didn't like Liz because her outburst scared him, Catherine because all she does is cry and groan, and he didn't like Collie because she talks to him like he's 2 and her name is a breed of dog.

Aspergers {HS/POC}✔️Where stories live. Discover now