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A week has passed and everything has returned back to normal. Sort of. I went back to hanging out with Blaise and Daphne but sometimes I make up some excuse to see my brother. Harry hasn't told anyone about it so I'm assuming he does the same. I haven't heard from Malfoy which is a good thing, I think.

"Hey Lou! Seriously, you're scaring us! You've been spacing out. Are you sure you're okay?" Daphne says. I then realised I was just sitting there, staring at my breakfast.

"Yeah. Sorry. I just get lost in my thoughts lately." I explained.

"Seriously, with you spacing out like that, we might think you're bored with us." Blaise joked.

"Come on Ace! I would never grow tired of you! Unless of course you start spending your free time making molasses." I joked back. The three of us laughed together. I then went back to breakfast, making sure to listen to their conversation.

"Well, it's time for potions. Shall we go?" Blaise asked after we ate. I nodded and we made our way to the dungeons.

Once I entered, I sat on my usual seat beside Daphne while Blaise sat near Malfoy's gang. I saw my brother enter with his friends. I smiled at him and he returned the smile. Once Snape entered, everyone's chats was cut off. They all went to their seats and got ready for whatever we were supposed to do.

"You will be doing a project on a potion of your choice along with a partner. I have already decided who your partners will be." Some people started groaning. Snape then started of, saying the names of the pairs.

I wished I was paired with my brother. Sure potions is not his forte, but it would be the perfect excuse to hang out with him. My second choice is either Blaise or Daphne since I am very close to them.

"Potter and Parkinson." Snape announced. I looked at Harry, only to see his face twist in disgust. He was never really fond of her. I saw Pansy complaining to Millicent. Apparently the feeling was mutual. "Zabini and Greengrass." Well there goes my three choices.

I waited patiently as other people's names were called out. I just hoped I would get a good partner for this.

"Malfoy and Lupin."

Well that just ended my life. I've been avoiding Malfoy since that encounter in the tower. I'm afraid everything is gonna be awkward between us.

"Turn to page 324. Today you'll be making a Black Fire potion. Begin." Professor Snape said.

I took out my book and turned to the assigned page. I gathered all the ingredients and began working. Malfoy was just staring at me. What a great help he is. Please note my sarcasm.

"Are you going to just stare at me or are you going to help?" I questioned as I put Salamander blood on the cauldron. Instead of responding, he took the Wartcap powder and added some to the cauldron. After a few minutes, we or I was done. He just added Wartcap powder and went into a dazed so I won't consider that help.

Professor Snape went to our table and inspected the potion. With a satisfied smile? or Grin?-Oh! Whatever-he said, "10 points to Slytherin."

He left after that, scolding some Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs. I took out a parchment from my bag and rolled it. Then, I smacked it into Malfoy's head and quickly put it back. Malfoy went out of his daze and looked around the room, looking for the suspect that smacked his head. I covered my mouth with my hand to refrain from laughing but, sadly, he caught me.

"Why'd you do that?!" He exclaimed.

"Do what?" I innocently asked.

"Stop pretending you didn't do it, Lupin." He hissed.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I can feel my palms getting sweaty from the nervousness. I wish the bell would ring already. 

Malfoy was about to speak when the bell did rang. Hah! Save by the bell. "If you would excuse me." I left the classroom and hurriedly went to my next class, DADA. 

'Dear Merlin, please don't let my dad pair me up with Malfoy.' I pleadingly thought. When I went inside the classroom, all the tables were full except for...Malfoy?! Dear Merlin, you must really hate me.

I grudgingly sat beside Malfoy and purposely dumped my bag on his foot. Woops! 

"Ow!" Malfoy shouted. All heads turned to him while he turned to me, glaring.

"Is there something wrong, Mr. Malfoy?" Dad asked.

"Yes! Your daughter hit my foot with her bag!" Malfoy complained. Does he think that's going to get me in trouble? Think again.

"Mr. Malfoy, my daughter wouldn't do that. I'm sure it was an accident. Now, please pay attention." Dad said and returned to the front of the classroom. I gave Malfoy a victory smirk while he just glared at me throughout the period. Tsk, tsk, tsk. That won't earn him an O in DADA. I have a feeling the rest of the day will be good. Boy, was I wrong.

During Divination, Transfiguration, Care of Magical Creatures, Charms and Herbology I had the worst partner ever. Can you guess who it is? Obviously, MALFOY! Ugh! He just kept dazing every class and he won't help me in every task. He'll just do one step and dazed of again. How annoying can he be? 

When Dinner came, I made sure to sit as far away from Malfoy as possible. It was a nice, quiet dinner but Daphne and Blaise kept whispering now and then.

"What's going on?" I asked them, breaking off their whispering.

"Nothing." Blaise muttered and went back to eating. I looked at Daphne but she did the same. Sighing, I grabbed Blaise by the ear and twisted it.

"Look, I'll let go once you tell me what's wrong." I said.

"F-fine. P-people a-are s-saying t-that-" He didn't get to continue his sentence because Professor Dumbledore dismissed us. I let go of Blaise's ear and hurriedly went to the common room. First, Malfoy's been my partner every class and now my best friends are keeping something from me? Unbelievable!

When I reached my room, I slammed the door and changed into my jammies. I removed my gloves, and me being pissed, accidentally froze my room. 

'Calm down. Calm down.' I thought to myself. When the room was ice-free, I jumped onto my bed and drifted off to sleep, weirdly enough, Malfoy being my last thought.

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