204 18 6

May 30th, 2017

Meanie face 💩🖕
You haven't texted me in a while, what happened to we be friends or be friends??

Young child 👶🍼
Well it's my last year of school, I've been really busy y'know?

Meanie face 💩🖕
Haha I haven't been in school for years

Young child 👶🍼
Well what did you study??

Meanie face💩🖕
I went into law

Young child👶🍼
No wonder you're​ so mean, you went into the meanest thing ever

Meanie face 💩🖕
Well what are you in for?

Young child 👶🍼
I'm just finishing teachers college

Meanie face 💩🖕
Wait if your 21 why are you finishing teachers college, wouldn't you have one more year??

Young child 👶🍼
I got accepted a year early even though my teachers wanted me to apply 3 years before that

Meanie face 💩🖕
Are you some sort of genius or something???

Young child 👶🍼
Don't worry about it lawyer man Mark ;)

Young child 👶🍼 changed meanie face 💩🖕's contact to LAWYER MAN MARK 🚮

Lawyer man mark 🚮 changed young child 👶🍼's contact to YOUNG GENIUS 🤓

Young genius 🤓
I like that more than young child

Lawyer man mark 🚮
I think I like meanie face better
Read at 2:45 am

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