Private Chat + IRL

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Where are you?
I woke up and you've disappeared
I'm this close to calling the police
It's 911, right?
Never mind, I found your note

Elsa's Sister😏👯

You've finished then? What happened?

Elsa's Sister😏👯
I think I just broke up with him


Elsa's Sister😏👯

Where are you? I'm coming and then we're going for breakfast at IHOP

Elsa's Sister😏👯
I'm at the Brooklyn Cafe, we can have breakfast here?

Sure, give me 30, I've to get Ayaan ready too, the baby's sleeping. I've to face the grumpyness. Like father, like son😥

Elsa's Sister😏👯

You order, I'll be there

Elsa's Sister😏👯

"So, what happened?" Gua asked as she sat down on the chair opposite Ananya, Ayaan with her.

"Why is he wearing a Santa hat?" Ananya looked at her, puzzled.

"He found it in the lobby as we were leaving and started crying as soon as I started pulling it off. So I made him wear it and took a picture in the lobby, he looked photo ready." Gia flipped through her phone and showed Ananya the picture.

"Aw, he's a heera!" Ananya looked and put the phone on the table

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"Aw, he's a heera!" Ananya looked and put the phone on the table.

"I know, but we're not here to discuss Ayaan, however adorable he might be. We're here to discuss about you."

"I know, I just felt it wasn't working out." Ananya took a sip of her latte as she replied. "Long distance doesn't work, I'm in India half the time and he's around the world."

"If you look at it that way-" Gia started. "You can call my relationship long distance too, you know? Ayaan, baby what do you want?"

The baby let out gurgling sounds.

"You're such a mom dude." Ananya said after a moment.

"Mom-shom, whatever." Gia said, looking at Ananya as she gave a bottle to Ayaan. "It's okay to accept it, you know?"

"Accept what?"

"You're just not in love with Justin anymore." Gia said.

"Maybe." Ananya said, moving her tea around. "I'm actually hungry and these crossiants are not filling my stomach. I'm a shudh Indian, I don't eat so less."

Gia laughed.

"Let's go to IHOP then! After that, we can go sightseeing! I bet you would love that, won't you baby!" Gia spoke to Ayaan, who giggled.

"Sometimes I think he knows you're a but cuckoo." Ananya stood up, taking her bag.

"Shut up. By the way, after all the excitement and jetlag knocks Ayaan out, we are going to have a chat about Justin."

"We should take a day for Coney Island, I know Ayaan would love it! After that we should go to Little Italy and Chinatown for shopping, because it's cheap and today we should just go to the Natural Museum of History and Rockerfeller Center for the observatory and how could I forget the Statue of Liberty!" Gia said after a moment.

"You've clearly been here." Ananya said. "But so have I." She laughed.

"I keep forgetting! But never mind, Ayaan's never been here."

"He's six months old, I doubt he'll even remember!"

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