Chapter 6 - Back to the 80s

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A normal person takes approximately three rings to answer their phone. This bastard Tony takes about ten, and that is if he answers at all.

"Devin Divine! What's up?" he says when he finally answers.

"You know I hate it when you call me like that," I say and he laughs. "We seem to have been playing cat and mouse the whole week. I called you on Monday after seeing Stephen but you never answered. Tried again during the week and only now you answer. Luckily you upload so many selfies to Instagram that I knew you were alive,"

"Is Devin Cole worried about me? Oh. My. God!"

"Come on Tony! Don't be a dork," I roll my eyes.

"So, how was it with your dad?"

The meeting with Stephen was awkward as always. I have two half-siblings, who I have met under unfortunate circumstances, and I wonder if he behaves the same way with them. I'm not a man of many words myself. Probably got that from him.

We got to the usual cafe close to his business. The employees greeted him warmly and looked at me curiously as always. How Stephen didn't know he had a son, who looks exactly like him, living in the same town is a mystery. After placing our lunch order, he stared at the table. I relieved him from his misery by sharing my latest news.

"I got a new job,"

"Where?" he looked at me.

"Not so much of a where, more like with someone. I'm working for a freelancer styling and entertaining at birthday parties,"

Stephen stared at me while his brain processed the information.

"Devin, you don't need to lower yourself to that. I need help with the business and I could use you there,"

"I'm not lowering myself to anything. It's a decent job and it will help me to see Roxy,"

"Who's Roxy? Your girlfriend?" 

Until then I had never mentioned my daughter to him.

"I have a daughter. She's five. Her mom took advantage last year when I was at the hospital to start a process against me to gain sole custody. Only under the condition that I keep a job unrelated to the adult film world for six months I can see her again. I almost complied when I was working at the coffee shop, but was a month short,"

"A granddaughter..." Stephen smiled. "I'm a grandfather. Why didn't you tell me?"

His voice didn't sound accusing, more like sorrowful.

"It was too much at the time after what happened. In fact, only Tony knows about her. Now you,"

"At least let me help you get a lawyer. I have good contacts. There must be a way for you to see her. I'm witness to your efforts and-"

"-I can deal with this on my own," I said roughly.

"Don't be stubborn, Devin. Please... You know how divided my family is at the moment. Give me the joy of knowing your child,"

I didn't know what to say. The truth is that his family is divided because he insists on having me in his life. A deep breath left my chest as I gazed around the room.

"Nothing crazy Stephen. No court battles. Just a way to speed the bureaucracy so I can see her,"

"Understood. Do you have pictures?"

I took my phone out and showed him the few I have. Roxy looks like me... like us.

After that we ate mostly in silence and otherwise talked about the weather or the news.

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