Entry #15: 3-10-14

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[Writing in 3rd hour study hall]

I wake up this morning to my radio-alarm. Because of daylight savings time. But then second later Mason decides to mark me and spray me. GROSS.

So I change as soon as I can. Ew.

And after I get everything I need, I go downstairs at 6:35am. In the kitchen, I look at the cereal. I really didn't feel hungry at all. So I grabbed a cereal bar for later. An when I get to school, many teachers were like, "Congrats" and stuff. Why? Today is the day I go to school on a crutch instead of my scooter! How exciting!!! So when I got to my normal morning spot, the freshmen Sheridan and Kate, who has only known me since August, said it seemed unnatural. I wasn't in a boot, which I had been in since August, or in my scooter, since November. It seemed weird, yet exciting.

Even the teachers thought it was unnatural looking. But now I leave early for EVERY class, not just a few. It's exciting.

In the morning though, David had another girl, Alex, on his lap. And of course I got jealous. I need to keep these feelings under control. BUT HE NEEDS TO FIGURE OUT WHO TO DEDICATE HIS HEART TO....-excuse me-

I'm giving him time. Time is key. Libby however, doesn't see that. She's SO enthusiastic. She's been friend with him since (I want to say) the 6th grade. If I remember correctly, she had a small crush on him way back when, but it was done and over with by the time I met her (in 8th grade) and him (in 9th grade). I'm still surprised how excited she is. It's kinda funny.

But it's making my hope soar way too high. But who knows. Whatever happens, happens. I just hope it's in my favor. Hehe.

[writing in 10th hour study hall]

More and more students and teachers are surprised I'm on a crutch. This is exhausting. But crutching around makes me so hot, and so tired. I was so happy to eat lunch. Not much happened in band. It was really boring. So before 9th hour, I made it in time to see David at his locker. Which, thank god, had a water fountain by it. Yay!! So after he was done getting ready for his class, he asked for a hug. Of course. Duh. But for the first time I made it extra tight. And so did he.

During the school day , Libby and I were texting. And she is determined to give him the right push. Which is making me REALLY nervous. And I fee bad now. Because Sydney, who also has a journal on Wattpad, and reads mine, likes him too. I feel so bad. But, in my defense I've known him for over a year, and I have been there when he's been rejected, and been his best friend. That's all I can say. I still feel guilty. She thought we were a "thing" after reading my past few journals (and probably after the extra tight hug she might've seen)

I don't know. Something might happen. But. Haha. Whatever happens happens.

[writing at home]

So when I got home, I was sooo sore. I sat down, and then my brother, Collin, asked if I could help him with dishes. I groaned. We were both in pain. I was crutching all over school. And he walked all around town. So I helped him at 3:30. I had had a headache all day, so I wanted to sleep. But since there wasn't any practice after school today(or tomorrow) I really wanted to see David too. My emotions were at an all time high, and it was all for him. It's as if I fell in love with him all over again. And I understand now. I think. I have unconditional love for him. I'm unconditionally in love with him.

... No. I did not purposely take that from a book that we all know...

I really wanted to just pass out.

But I watched Spongebob Squarepants with my brother.

But then Collin got really aggravated. But then again. He had to clean up after the dogs. That's understandable.

I still had a headache since this morning. WAHH!

And no matter what happens, I'm going to be thinking about David. GODDAMNIT.


And, I texted him about taking me to the music store tomorrow. And the mister, who doesn't normally call people, called me, and said to make it today. So we went and on the ride back home, we were talking a little. And when we said goodbye, he said, "I'll text you when I get home---no!! I won't! Cuz you're gonna get neervous!!"

Damn. How'd he know? Maybe it was my nervous laughter. Or how fast my eyes were moving. My speech problems?


And of course after dinner, mom said I had a week to get my room clean to her standards. (Which is real close to impossible)... And. Well. I practically begged David to kidnap me. I want a week off from this house, then I can come back in full! I swear! I just need a break!!!!! Please??

And I really hoped to invite David over tomorrow, or go to his house. Damn... Maybe he can call me? I don't know. I'm having mixed feelings. It's aggravating.

I sigh.

Well, I hope all of your guys' emotions are more under control!

Keep Smiling!


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