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Xander POV
I bury my face into Violet's neck , breathing in her scent . She sighs whispers " morning " I whisper " morning " kissing her jaw .

Violet whispers " moveee I need to get up " I shake my head whisper " nope your staying there ." She groans trying to stretch , noticing how uncomfortable she is I move .

Her bump lays out more visible now , she rubs her hands against it slightly . I kiss her stomach whisper " morning baby " resting my ear against it .

Violet laughs says " he or she won't even know it's you " I say " but it's better to talk to the baby then not talk at all " She nods smiling slightly .

Helping my mate to her feet , she rests her head against my chest says " I don't wanna do anything this baby is making me tired ."

A yawn escapes her mouth , I kiss her forehead say " I'll carry you down the stairs but I've got office work today ." Violet nods understanding , everything can't run without me .

Obviously every pack should have a Beta who's second in command . But mine is always travelling to arrange things with other packs .

Luna is also supposed to do her duties but with my mate being pregnant and struggling to get up it's not fair on her right now . The beta has took her duties into hand instead .

I scoop Violet into my arms , going down the stairs . Daisy stands at the bottom of the stairs , she says " Alpha there's something that needs your attention ."

From her face expression , it's not good . Violet gets out of my arms , rushing towards the scene .

My mate's wolf whimpers , instantly grabbing my attention . Going outside , I notice a pile of dead bodies oh god not the kids . Please tell me it's not the kids .

Violet sits in front of the pile , she cries into her hands yells " I'm sick of this! I hate you!." I walk towards her , wrapping my arms around her .

She hits me in the chest on repeat , before sobbing into my chest . I whisper " shh it's okay don't stress yourself out or get upset " Violet cries " this is so unfair ."

The pack members cry around us , some of them lost their kids and others lost their last piece of family they had.  Taking a deep breath , I help Violet to her feet going straight to my office .

She buries her head into my chest , stopping outside my office her cheeks are covered in tears again . I whisper " its okay I'm not leaving I just need to be with the pack , you need to eat and rest right now ill be back promise " Violet nods giving me a kiss on the lips .

Wiping away her tears , I kiss her forehead before leaving to go back outside . Grabbing the pack's attention , I yell " listen up! training every day from now on! a burial will be sorted tonight for the kids! we will fight back! they aren't going to get away with this!."

Some of the pack cheers and agrees with me , all except one person who looks really angry . He yells " it's the Luna's fault! ever since her being here we've paid our lives over!" I growl say " get out of the pack by tonight and don't come back ."

Violet Pov

Hearing all the yelling , I decide to step outside only to hear Xander growl at someone who disrespected me. Grabbing his hand , I say " despite what you might think if I wanted a whole pack dead I would of killed you all by now so think about that the next time you open your mouth ."

Xander smiles down at me , he whispers " that's my girl " rubbing my arm as he wraps one around me slightly . The pack nods in approval or bows down slightly , I bow back using Xander to help me up .  

My balances goes slightly as my legs start to shake , Xander grabs my arms so I don't fall . I say " I don't know what's happening " he nods says " ill get you sat down and your be okay once you eat ."

Giving in , I go to sit down on the sofa my hands start shaking but I grab the tv remote to distract myself . But it lands onto the floor because of my hands , Xander rushes in with some food asking me to take bites of it .

Swallowing some food wasn't too bad , my hand stops shaking and I can hold the glass of juice . Xander kisses my forehead says " see told you right I'm gonna be in the office you can sit here and watch Netflix all day " I pout .

He kisses me on the lips , shaking his head after says " I need to get work done plus your find it boring love ." I sigh before giving in to stay on the sofa and watch films .

Maybe it wont be too bad .

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Aesthetic_melaniee xx

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