Chapter 10: Friends?

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A few days had gone by after Eren invited you to join their training group that one afternoon and it later resulted in sending Jean to the medics for a possible broken nose.

You grimaced at the memory. You didn't break Jean's nose, but you still felt pretty guilty about the whole eblow-to-the-face ordeal and when you had apologized he laughed it off and gave you a friendly side hug, which you awkwardly accepted, not that you had a choice really.

Erwin had also cleared an old room for you over the few days, Thomas as well. His room was a bit far from yours, much to your distaste, but you still met up easily and walked everywhere together.

Since the time you've been here your black haired friend looked less like a starved and sleep deprived shell and more like an actual healthy human. The black bags under his eyes faded and his hollow cheeks filled in with a more natural color than previously. You liked seeing him like this, it made you feel like you did somethings right for once.

You on the other hand still looked rough around the edges. Your eyes still held a trace of a feral girl and you barely slept, nightmares plaguing each dream you received. They mostly consisted of Lark, a distant ache throbbed each time you thought of the willowy boy. You missed him, you missed his happy humming and soft brown eyes, you missed his tree sap and juniper smell, and most of all you missed his voice. You'd probably give up your left hand if you could see him again, yet you knew you'd never catch sight of Lark ever again.

You sighed sadly and rubbed your tired eyes, wrenching them away from the small necklace pooled in your palm that Lark had put in his bag for you. You rubbed your thumb over it fondly and carefully set it on top of the book on your nightstand.

Today was one of Thomas's assessments that determined if he could move on to more advanced techniques, and you were excited for your friend. Erwin had asked you if you'd help out with it, not specifying what exactly he wanted your help for. But you agreed anyways. You wanted to help Thomas any way you possibly could.

Lightly treading through the quiet stone hallways. you spotted a certain blond and teal-eyed boy chatting with Mikasa.

Eren's eyes spotted you instantly and waved. "Hey, (F/n)!"

You gave Eren a small wave and nodded hello to both Armin and Mikasa as you walked past the trio. You still weren't sure how you felt about making new friends inside the walls, their culture here was so different than what you had grown up with and to be honest, it frightened you a little.

It did feel kinda nice having more people to talk to other than Thomas, but it was still awkward. You felt out of place when you were with Eren and Armin's friends, they were all so persistent on gaining your attention that it got to the point you thought all people inside the walls were like this. Much to the boy's disappointment, you mistook their flirty attitudes for kindness.

Thomas was doing fine with making new friends, completely at ease, which made you envy him slightly. It was beyond you how he had already made fast friends with a girl and a boy; twins you later discovered. Yet it was better than him hanging around Doctor Ramirez who was entirely too touchy for your liking.

You learned their names yesterday at dinner when Thomas had invited the twins over to sit at your table. The girl had beautiful platinum blond hair that was elegantly twisted in a french braid while the boy had his nearly white hair shaved on both sides with the longer patch on top of his hair smoothed back. Out of all the similarities they shared, their eyes were completely identical. Bright honey brown eyes ringed with gold and flecked with a deeper brown and streaked with a subtle white.

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