Chapter 23

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In This Moment - Oh Lord


I sat in my car, glaring at the house.

The ugly minivan was parked in the driveway, but the father hadn't come home yet.

I sighed, running a hand through my hair.

Why am I here?

I rubbed my face with my hands.

Nothing feels right anymore.

No matter what I did, no matter how hard I tried I couldn't get her out of my head. I couldn't think straight. I couldn't focus on anything.

I leaned my head back onto the head of my seat.

I can't stop thinking of her eyes.

I kept replaying the thought of her leaving, over and over again.

I looked up as his car swerved into the driveway, coming to a quick stop. He got out, slamming the door and stumbling to the front of the house. He opened the door and went inside, turning the light on.

I sat for a minute, until I heard the sounds of shouting rise up.

They must be arguing again.

I heard the sound of distant crying, and it went silent once again.

The woman suddenly came out of the house, dragging the two children behind her. They were all dressed in their pajamas, their faces stricken with grief. I could see the shine of tears going down her face, one of her cheeks red. She hurried down the driveway, rushing the kids to get into the van.

She got in just as the father came out, his arms up in the air.

"What are you doing?!" He screamed, going up to the car. He smacked the driver's side window with his palm as she turned the car on.

"Huh? Answer me!"

She backed up quickly, not answering him as she sped off down the street. The tires screeched as she turned at the end of the street.

A part of me felt like I shouldn't be watching this, like I was seeing something that was too personal. But I knew better.

"Fine! Leave, you fucking bitch!" He screamed, still looking at the street. "Those are my kids, too!" he spat, his body shaking with anger.

I saw him skulk around before he went back inside.

I sighed, mustering up the strength to get out of my car.

This is my only chance.

I pulled my hoodie over my head, heading towards the house. My stomach turned as I stepped up to the front door.

I've done this a thousand times.

Why does this feel different?

I turn the handle with a sweaty hand, noticing he didn't lock the door.

Fuckin idiot.

I quickly stepped in, closing the door as quietly as I could. I turned, noticing I was in a hallway. The living room branched off to my left, which was joined with the kitchen. There were a few photos hung on the walls of the family, all smiling together.

My stomach turned with knots again, and I forced myself to look away. I glanced around the living room and kitchen, seeing that he wasn't in there.

I made my way forward, glancing into the room on my right. There were two small beds, and the room was filled with toys and colorful drawings stuck on the walls.

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