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*jessica was punching the punching bag again*

Jessica: why!? *punch* are! *punch* people! *punch* so! *punch* annoying!? *punches te bag that it hits the wall*

Martin: you okay?

Jessica: yes!

Martin: you don't look fine.

Jessica: well I am! *she continues punching the bag*

Martin: no your not.

Jessica: arg! why are you here?!

Martin: I was just walking around, and I saw how stressed you looked so I thought I stop by and see how your doing.

Jessica:....well like I said I'm fine!

Martin: then why does it look like your not?

Jessica: arg! Why do you care!? Can't people just leave me alone! People ask too many questions! 'Why are you alive??' 'What happened' 'I thought you died' 'how did it feel' 'oh you probably was just faking it' 'tell us!' Ugh!!!! I've had it!!!

Martin: *he walked up to jessica and hugs her*

Jessica:...what are you doing!? *she tried to get off but he didn't let go*

Martin: it looked like you need a hug...

Jessica: we'll get off! I hate being touched!!! *struggle of getting free*

*five minutes later*

Martin: are you done?

Jessica: ...uh....y-yeah...thanks.

*he let's her go*

Martin: no problem! hungry....*she leaves the room*

*jessica walked to the cafe, got a slice of pizza and walked out and went Inside the theatre room*

Jessica:*sigh* I'm going to take a nap. Haven't slept in a very, very long time. Not even after the hospital... *she lays down on the couch and fell asleep*

*as she was asleep she had a dream of herself outside in a city with burning buildings all over the place smoke covering the sky, and everything was destroyed*
J:"where am I? *sigh* demon! Is this you giving me this dream!? Cause if it is can you stop it,... I'm so not in the mood!"

*she suddenly heard someone coughing*

J:"h-hello! Anybody there!?"

*she continued walking down the street*


*jessica runs toward the person and realized that it was Brittany on the floor in a with something sharp in her stomach In puddle of blood*

Jessica:*gasps* b-Brittany!? What happened!?

Brittany: *coughs up blood and gasping for breath* the d-demon..... h-he did this...

Jessica: the demon? Why!?

??: because you refused to let him take over you..

Jessica: *she turns around and sees melody sitting on the floor leaning on a car* melody? *she sees melody with her head bleeding and with only one leg* what happened to your leg!?

Melody: *breathing heavily* in explosion........

Brittany: *cough**cough*

Jessica: Brittany stay with me! I'll find help!

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