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Florence closed her trunk and sighed. Her first year at Hogwarts was already complete. Catalina sighed and sat on her bed. Florence raised a brow.

"You okay, Cat?" She asked.

"My mum has full custody. She won't tell me details of the custody battle, but I think I know how."

"That was a quick battle."

"Exactly. My mum has a muggle friend that's an extremely good lawyer. I'm sure she had something to do with it being quick and my mum winning," Catalina admitted. Florence frowned and sat next to Catalina.

"If you ever need to get away, send an owl. I'm sure my mam and dad would love to have you," Florence told her. Catalina smiled at Florence.

"I'd love that, thank you."

"You know, I can't believe we're already done with our first year! Went by much slower than I though," Florence confessed. Catalina laughed.

"Yes, well, next year should go quicker considering you'll be on the Quidditch team. Heard the captain is very serious about her practices."

"Who's the captain?" Catalina's eyes widened.

"You haven't met her?" Florence shook her head.


"Come on, before we leave you're going to meet her." Catalina jumped up and grabbed Florence's wrist.

"Who even is in it?" Florence asked as Catalina pulled her along.

"Ren Hirota, nice girl. At least if she's in a good mood. Can be very scary and extremely competitive. Amazing Quidditch player, she'd also make a great philosopher. I heard the Sorting Hat debated Ravenclaw and Gryffindor for almost twenty minutes! Amazing, right?"

Catalina marched up to a girl who sat in the common room. A racing broom across her lap as she polished the handle.

"Ren, I found a chaser for you!" Catalina stated. The girl looked up at Catalina.

"Who made you captain?" The girl, Ren, asked. Florence had to stifle her laughter.

" one, I'm just saying Florence here is amazing on a broom and would be an amazing Chaser!" Ren analyzed Florence.

"Florence, interesting name. You know the origin?"

"Latin," Florence said. Ren nodded.

"And just letting you know, Hirota is Japanese. Some dimwit thought it was Chinese. Then again, you can't expect everyone to be knowledgeable in last names and the culture they come from," Ren stated. Ren went back to polishing the broom handle. Her straight dark hair in a high, loose ponytail.

"So, you'll consider her?" Catalina asked. Ren scoffed and let out a small laugh. She then looked up at Catalina and laughed harder.

"Consider someone who I've never seen fly? Am I just supposed to assume she's good? I will not even consider her unless she has some chance. Even if she is the absolute worse! If I see potential in someone I will consider them. But I must see them play first," Ren stated.

"That's fair," Florence said. A boy walked past the group and shouted something to Ren.

"Hirota! Remember if the position as captain is too much for a girl, I'll always take the position!" He shouted.

"Robbie, I will slap you so hard my ancestors will flinch in their graves!" The boy, Robbie, widened his eyes.

"Was that a threat?" He asked. Ren stood up and turned to face the boy.

"Yes, it was! And trust me, I may be a female, but I do the job as captain much better than you ever will! Just because I don't have a dick does not mean I should be held back in chains. I promise you Robbie, there's nothing scarier than a female who wants to rise. And I'm rising to the top so don't get in my way!" Robbie glared at Ren before walking out. The common room was quiet, everyone starting at Ren. "I know, I know, I stood up for myself! I'm such an arse!" Ren grabbed her room and left the common room.

"I love her," Florence stated. Catalina nodded.

"Knew you would. Now come on, we have to finish packing!"

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