Not Invited

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Taking Rose on this vacation was the greatest idea I ever had. I could stare at her all day in her bikinis and watch her sleep the day away. But unfortunately it's time to go.

"Do we really have to leave Drakey?"

The adorable frown on her face almost made me throw all of our clothes back into the closet and day ' hell no we're staying here'. But we both have responibilities at home so we have to leave.

I wrapped my arms around her waist before responding, "Yes baby we have to leave I'm sure the pack is losing their minds living without their alpha for a full week"

At the pack house

The wildest party is going on. People are taking shots, unmated wolves taking body shots, swinging on the chandeliers, and dancing on furniture.

"Hey should this party really be happening? I thought Alpha Drake and Luna were coming home today." Some random lady asked Dylan.

"No they'll be back next Sunday silly." Dylan says right before chugging two beers.

Back to Drake

"They're all probably laying around cleaning and waiting for our return."

Rose shrugged and finished packing. Twenty minutes later we were out the door and on our way to  pack house.

Once we reach our destination I tell Rose to go ahead inside while I get the bags. I close the trunk and look over at the door to see Rose staring inside. I could hear the loud music from where I stand. Once I got to Rose I looked inside to see my beta thrusting his hips on top of the couch pointing at his crotch. Then a chant of 'shots shots shots shots' begins. That's when I decide to make my appearance.

"Well what the hell is going on here?" I asked using the base in my voice to get everyone's attention, the music immediately stops.

Every bows their heads and I hear apologies being whispered and others are silently hoping for forgiveness.

Dylan was the first to speak, "Alpha I apologize the party was my idea.. It will never--"

I cut him off by saying, "Dylan my guy where the heck was my invitation?" I take a cup off of the counter that was just made and chugged the whole thing.

"Wooooo, let's party!!" I jumped on to the coffee table and began dancing. The music started again and the party continued.

I spot Rose still in the door way with shook writing all over her face. I jumped off of the table and grab her hand then I dance with my butter cup sugar butt.


It was now eight o'clock at night and the party is now calming down. Don't call us lame apparently the party started early so they ended it early. But Rose just made dinner for everyone, she made steak, pork chops, mac and cheese, some banana pudding and caesar salads.

Everyone is siting at the large table my father made when he was alpha because he couldn't find a table long enough to fit everyone in stores.

"Thank you Luna." Everyone said in sync. I think it's cool how we haven't even fully mated yet but they're already calling her Luna.

Rose had a huge smile on her face after hearing what they called her.

"No problem, I can't let you all starve."

Some laughed while others continued to stuffed their faces me being one of them. You can't blame me the food taste amazing and I'm kinda excited for dessert.


After dinner Rose and I took our showers, cuddled in bed, kissed a little or maybe a lot. We watch BFG (Big Friendly Giant), Rose feel asleep half way through the movie. I find it hard to sleep through a movie in less I'm that tired. But once the movie ends I turn the tv off, pull Rose closer to me and fall into a peaceful sleep.


I woke up around 5 o'clock in the morning. I could hear Dylan calling my name thought the link.

'Yes Dylan'

'Finally you're awake. Check channel 5. Now.'

Who the hell does he thinks he is bossing me around. I turn on the tv making sure the volume is low but not too low so I can still hear it.

"Yes Henry, I am standing infront of a home in Hawaii that was burned to flames just a few hours ago. Fire fighters were able to put the fire out quickly before it spread to other homes. Neighbors say the fire possibly started at night and saw two young people staying there. Police have searched the house and fortunately found noone."

What the hell.. that's the house I rent for Rose and I. Did we leave the stove on? No we didn't cook the last day we were there. I look back at the tv to see something that the news reporter failed to notice. The huge freaken L written in one of the Windows infront of the house.

Damn it..


It's getting a little spicy, hope you enjoyed. Make sure you vote, and share and also if you're interested check out my YouTube channel.
Link is in my bio on Instagram and Twitter both of those are _esnna. Okay peace lol


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