Mrs t

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(Not really but still)
Ahhhh the story of mrs t. We all hate her
But it's okay. She always said gentlemeen and spaces her words out so far it's so funni watching her talk. everything in her room is a joke and her favorite thing to do is to threaten us with perhaps lunch detention. She literally talks down to me and pancreas all the time like we are nothing and it make me so mad hahahahahaha hahahahahah but idc bc I won't have her next year I won't have to see her again.

A/N----------- pancreas and mackinaw
Hahahah hahah haha ha hah h a
This book is honestly trash and idk if ppl are even gonna read this but it's coo as kot would say ahaha hahahahahaha next chapter won't be a character but will be a list of all of our inside jokes. Stay tuned 🌊

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