Chapter 3: Triwizard

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(These events take place the day before Halloween.)

"Students." Dumbledore's voice towers over all silencing the room. "I have a very special announcement to make." He raises his hands to show the students should keep quiet. "This year Hogwarts school has been chosen to host the Triwizard tournament." He calls out.

"Triwizard?" Harry questions.

"shh." Draco hushes Harry so he can hear better.

"Students ages 17 and up may be allowed to enter their names in for a chance to win the cup and eternal glory... but I should warn you these prizes come only to those willing to risk life itself in three dangerous tasks decided upon by the judges."

"Triwizard." Goyal mumbles. "I just remember reading about this very thing in a Hogwart's history book last year. It was discontinued in 1792 because a lot of people died or got seriously injured."

"Goyal!?" Draco says stunned. "I didn't know you could read!?"

"of course I can read." Goyal replies. "how did you think I did my homework?"

"point taken..." Draco puzzles. 'I didn't know he could read...' he turns his attention back to the headmaster.

"I must ask you all to be on your best behavior this year students." Dumbledore says with a small smirk. "two other wizarding schools will be joining us this year and will be staying on our grounds until the time of the end of the Tournament. Those schools would be Durmstrang and Beauxbatons. I shall explains the rules farther once they have arrived."

Draco's eyes light up when he hears this. "that means... Viktor Krum will be here." He looks at Harry and smirks. "I almost got to go to school at Durmstrang but mom insisted she didn't want me to go to far."

"Krum?" Harry puzzles. "that name sounds familiar."

"The Bulgarians Harry." Draco replies. "he's their team seeker."

"oh really?" Harry raises an eyebrow. "but he's in school still?"

"yes of course he is Harry." Draco nods. "he's age appropriate for the Tournament as well no doubt he'll be entering his name for a chance to become the champion of his school. I'm sure given that he is famous they will flaunt him around in the public eye." He smirks. "maybe he'll sign my booklet."

"I'm sure Krum has better things to do then sign your booklet..." Harry frowns. "and I'm sure he won't appreciate the attention either being mobbed by fans here."

Harry couldn't have been more right, as predicted when the two other schools showed up Krum and his schoolmates had decided to sit at Slytherin table and then Krum had been pestered by the majority of the girls because of his fame.

"now that everyone is here I would like your attention for a moment please." Dumbledore silences the room once more. "first I will explain the Triwizard cup." The cup is placed in the center of the room in the front by the professor table. "Too enter your name into the cup simply write it on a piece of paper and then place the paper inside the cup. When it is time for the drawing the cup will chose one Champion for each school to compete. I must warn you though the tasks are very dangerous and if you have any reason to believe you can't do it... then I urge you do not place your name in this cup."

"this sounds very serious." Draco replies with a frown.

"This is a very serious matter." Krum glances at Draco. "our Headmaster said people have died in this Tournament."

"Too bad your too young to enter." Jade replies with a shrug. "oh well guess we don't have to worry about dying this year right Harry?"

"right..." Harry nods. It was a relief that even though there was this huge dangerous task this year Harry wouldn't have any part in it. Even if he wanted to compete he isn't old enough to enter so there isn't any reason for him to worry about his life this year.

(While Harry was talking the other judges for the Tournament were announced. Barty Crouch senior and Ludo Bagman. But nobody was listening because they don't care about those asshats XD)  

Viktor Krum seems to just now notice Jade sitting there and looks at her surprised. "I had not realized I sat next to you. what is your name?"

"oh I'm Jade." She smiles a little bit. "I'm just Harry and Draco's friend this is only my third year."

"Harry?" Viktor replies looking at Harry. "Harry Potter?"

"actually yes." Harry nods. "Pleasure to meet you."

"my goodness." Viktor smirks. "I'll be damned I seem to have accidentally sat myself next to Harry Potter. Tell me Harry do people around here treat you... kind of different because of your fame?"

"well..." Harry thinks about it a bit. "I suppose my second year everyone did kind of become afraid of me because they thought I opened the chamber of secrets... but I don't think anyone really cares about my fame."

Viktor nods. "I see then it's just me." he clears his throat. "I heard your quiet the seeker mister potter... to bad Quidditch is canceled this year for the Tournament. I would have really enjoyed watching you play." He turns his attention back to Jade now. "and you miss? What kind of things do you do?"

"oh I um... study I guess..." Jade turns red looking at the table. "I'm not really on the team or anything."

"well she was a chaser when she played on the practice team." Harry nods. "She's very good at Quidditch."

"well that really is impressive." Krum smirks a bit. "you should show me sometime. Say outside tomorrow morning?"

"hu?" Jade says confused.

"you know hang out. Tell me about your school and your studies." Krum suggests. "since I'm here. I hope you don't mind me asking?"

"oh I... yeah I guess I can." Jade nods.

"very good." Krum smirks. "then as the sun glows into the sky meet me near the lake side." He stands and follows his schoolmates as they leave for the night to rest on the ship they arrived on.

Draco is staring eyes wide at Krum unsure what just happened. "he... wait... was he just hitting on her?" Draco asks Harry.

"I think so Malfoy." Harry replies just as stunned.

"don't be ridiculous." Jade replies. "he's just curious about the school."

"well why didn't he ask either of us then?" Draco replies back aggravated.

"I don't know." Jade replies with a shrug. "why are you jealous Malfoy?"

"no!" Draco pouts. "I'm not jealous at all. I just... you're not really considering going to meet him?"

"well I did already tell him I would." Jade nods. "I should honor that."

"just tell him something else came up then." Draco shrugs.

"what do you have against Viktor?" Jade questions.

"nothing." Draco retorts. "I just..." he frowns. "I don't know maybe I don't want you to meet with him."

"yeah Malfoy... you know what that word is?" Jade smirks and stands up. "Jealous." She chuckles and starts to the door. "I'm going to bed goodnight boys."

"jealous!?" Draco huffs. "I am not jealous! Harry I'm not jealous!?" he turns to Harry.

"Your kind of acting jealous." Harry shrugs. "if you're not careful you're going to drive her away."

"well I'm not jealous..." Draco grumbles. "even if the guy is... famous and... handsome and probably a good kisser..." he shakes his head. "no I'm not jealous." He growls furiously.

"You think he's going to put the moves on Jade?" Harry questions.

"he better not!" Draco growls. "she's mine! Even if... I haven't exactly told her that yet..."


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