chapter 14

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Four hours. That's how much time has passed since I woke up. I felt my patience slowly drifting away.

I had so many questions in my mind. How long was I supposed too stay here? What did they need from me. Where are my sisters, what happened with them. Yet no one was willing to answer them.

Why am I here on the first place. I need too get out of here. Did they take me as some object which they could lock  up and leave there?.

I tried too move my feet and it felt strange. I leaned on the wall and tried too get up. I pushed myself up,  and stood up.

It was already a good start wasn't it? At least now I stood. The next step was too move. I slowly placed one leg forward and tried too take step. A suddenly wave of migraine hit me cousing a sharp pain too spread threw out  my  whole body.

I hissed as I touched the cold ground.I just collapsed on my knees. Cousing my skin too get torn because of the hard and sharp ground.. I tried too move again but I couldn't.

I leaned back on the wall. I looked around and tried too find at least something too help me escape this place.

I closed my eyes and thought about something that could calm me down. The first thing that came too my mind was my sister. Diabella. I imagined her smile as she played with the dolphins, her laugh as she annoyed me. Her beautiful face illuminated under the moonlight.  She smiled at me calling me too swim with her.

I felt a loud thud cousing me too open my eyes. The man from earlier stared at me,  his dark eye's glittering in the dim light.  He took a step towards me,  his eyes traveled too my knees.  His eye's scrunched up in a confused way.

"How did this happen?"  he asked himself. He kneeled down too my level and touched my ankle,  cousing waves of tingles too go threw my body.

I let out a sharp breath as I stared at him. What was he about too do?

He ignored the feeling. Perhaps he didn't feel it. He lightly touched my ankle making sure he doesn't hurt me.
I  used this as an opportunity too take a look at him from closer.

How could a simple human man be so handsome. I stared at him as he was too busy looking at my ankle. I glanced at his hand's,  I saw his bicep flex everytime he moved his hand.

He stood up and looked at me. "It's a small cut nothing serious, I'll stich it up" he said firmly before leaving the room.

Stich it up? What did that mean?. I stared at the place where he touched. The strange feeling of tingles erupted thew my whole body as he touched me. What was all that about.

After a couple of minutes he entered again. This time he didn't kneel down, instead he took my wrist and pulled me up.

I gasped as he started dragging me out of the room, expecting me too walk. I stood on my place and looked at him with a confused expression. Didn't he know I don't know how too walk?

He stared at me for a minute before sighing. He placed his Arm under my legs and the other on behind my back. He skooped me up like I was some delicate flower,  and started carrying me.

As he opened the door a flash of light had my eyes hurting. He continued walking until he got towards the deck. There stood hundreds of men.

I unconsciously wrapped my hands around his neck and hid my face in his chest. I felt his manly scent, which left me breathless. Not even a second after this a chaos began.

Everyone was muttering,  and gasping as they saw me. The man send them a cold look cousing them too quiet down.

I felt myself being placed on something softer than the ground. I looked out too see I was placed on some soft fabric material. I looked strangely at it,  as I heard him mutter. "that's a mattress"

He took out a small bottle of some sort of liquid and put a small amount of it on my wound. I hissed as I felt a burning sensation. He took out a white fabric,  and stared wrapping it around my ankle.

I stared at him. Why was he helping me? Is this some sort of a trick, a game too earn my trust? Perhaps a way too get me too talk.

" hello I'm Joseph" I heard a male voice say. I looked at the man who I got Is Joseph. He was in his early twenties,  if that's what they call it in human year's. He was quite attractive. Joseph had blue eye's and light brown hair. I simply looked at him. He looked over at the man and he just shrugged.

"She does not talk" he answered. Joseph looked at me for a split second before nodding his head. " Are you sure Jacob?  Maybe she just doesn't talk with you?" Joseph teased.

Jacob. So his name was Jacob. It suited him. I  raised an eyebrow at Joseph and he smirked. " What? maybe you only talk too handsome man" he joked.

In my opinion Jacob was much more handsome. I simply looked at him. " Guess it was worth a try" he Mumbled before leaving.

"You'll be staying here from now on" Jacob said firmly before skooping me up in his arms again and carrying me towards the dark place again.


Hey everyone!  I hope you liked it, thanks for reading it. It gets better later on!

Love you all! Enjoy.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2017 ⏰

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