Thirty Six*

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I'm winging this story. I literally didn't plan this shît out lol.

Y'all know what that asterisk means. ;) ;) ;) ;)


Eliana POV

I sighed as I sat in my bed, the covers all around me. I slumped forward and brought my hands up to cup my chin. Pouting, I looked around.

Should I forgive him?

Should I hold on a bit?

It's all so confusing.

Granted, he's only hurt me that time I caught him with Bridgette in the closet, the time he told my dream of getting married was a foolish one, the time that-

Oh....that's quite a bit...

I groaned and fell back onto the mattress. Our wedding was in twelve days. I felt as though I was being timed.

"Damn it," I grumbled, getting up. I muttered curses to myself as I left my room and wandered around the castle. I crossed my arms over my chest and frowned.

It shouldn't be this hard to distance myself from Harry, but it was? Why? Because my pathetic ass was in love with him and I didn't want to do anything to change it. Yesterday's vacation was incredibly difficult for me. I couldn't even look at him without wanting to jump into his arms again. I was so frustrated with myself, words couldn't even begin to describe it.

I eventually found myself walking towards his , or technically my, bedroom door. Anger and frustration pulsed through my veins as I found my breathing quickening.

I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind.

I knocked on it with fury. Footsteps could be heard and muffled voices as they neared the door. I sighed as the door opened and looked down to find a tired looking Peter looking up at me. Upon seeing me, his eyes brightened and he pushed the door open the rest of the way before he crashed into me.

"Hi Ellie," he cheered, "I missed you a lot. Dad's not a good story teller."

I chuckled as I ran my hand through his curls. I crouched down to look at him and smiled before leaning forward and pecking his cheek.

"I miss you too, sweetheart," I smiled, "don't worry. I'm a little ill...I'll be back soon."

I couldn't tell him that it was because Harry and I were fighting. He'd be heartbroken and confused.

He smiled and nodded before he kissed my cheek and waddled back into the room. I walked in to find Harry on the bed with his face planted into the pillow. I rolled my eyes and felt the frustration that had left when I saw Peter, flood into me.

This is your fault.

Peter jumped onto the bed and leaned down to whisper into his ear. I stood at the foot of the bed and waited patiently with my arms crossed. Harry let out a grunt and Peter sighed before he leaned in and whispered something again. Harry's body finally shot up and he whirled around to face me, eyes wide.

"El," he stammered, getting out of bed and walking towards me. I glared at him.

"Hi," I muttered. I glanced at him and then back to Peter and then him again. He furrowed his eyebrows before he turned back and looked at Peter, who was now looking at us.

"Would you like to speak alone," he asked. I nodded stiffly and he nodded before he turned back around to look at Peter.

"Peter, would you like to spend the night in the Queen's room? Ellie and I have some things to discuss." Harry asked. Peter looked at us and pouted before he nodded. 

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