Chapter 21 - Hunter / Elizabeth

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The FINAL chapter of Pure Blood. It's been a great time to write this story and I'm so happy that I was finally able to finish it. Words cannot express how happy I am right now. To all the people wanting more, THERE WILL BE A SEQUEL!! The sequel will be called The Pure Blood Prince. I'm going to add the first chapter as a sneak peak in this story so you can decide whether you want to read it or not (which I really hope you do). More info will be in the next A/N

Chapter 21



-Seven Years Later-

Elizabeth shoved her hands in the pockets of her jeans as she waited for Bayard outside the grocery store. She had grown since she had left Adam on the doorstep of the Pure Blood House. She continued to dye her hair blonde and she had gotten halfway across the country to Texas with Bayard. He had insisted that they get as far away from the Pure Blood House a possible; not only because he was afraid of getting caught again but also because Elizabeth was afraid of Hunter finding her. She was not yet ready to face her mate after leaving without an explanation.

“Sorry, the cashier was a wolf and I had to keep my head down.” Bayard apologized as he walked out of the store. Elizabeth walked by his side, keeping in step. He was holding two bags full of food and clothes and he tossed Elizabeth the wallet. She opened it, peaking inside. There was only a 10 dollar bill left. It wasn’t going to last them too much longer and Elizabeth knew she was going to have to find a way to get more money.

“We’re going to have to use it for gas. I don’t want to stay here for too long. The Alpha of the territory doesn’t like trespassers.” Bayard said as if reading Elizabeth’s mind. She nodded though she knew $10 wasn’t going to be enough money for gas. It could probably only buy them a little more than a gallon, especially with the gas prices.

“How much gas is left in the tank?” Elizabeth asked as Bayard unlocked the white Hummer. The Hummer was far from cheap, since they weren’t sold at a dealership they bought it off of a friend of Bayard’s, and the only way they were able to purchase it was through Bayard’s old bank account. There was still money left in the account but both of them had agreed to only use the money if it was a real emergency. So far they hadn’t used it for anything other than the truck but Elizabeth had a feeling they would need to use it again soon.

“There’s ¾ a tank left. That should get us out of here and into Houston. I’ve heard the Alpha isn’t as strict.” Bayard answered as they climbed into the Hummer. He tossed the groceries in the back and Elizabeth climbed in the back with them. She placed the groceries on the floor and relaxed on the back seats. They were in Corpus Christi, it was going to take at least four to five hours to get to Houston. Elizabeth was planning on catching up on her sleep.

Bayard pulled out of the parking lot and onto the road. He glanced back at Elizabeth, rolling his eyes when he saw her sprawled out across the seats. The two of them had gotten closer over the years and Elizabeth wasn’t sure if she would ever be able to keep going without him. He had helped her so much and she was grateful for everything he had ever done for her.

“We can’t stop somewhere tonight so we’re going to have to take turns driving.” Bayard said after a long moment of silence. Elizabeth groaned, she wished they had enough money to stop at a motel for the night. She hated having to take shifts with Bayard. Elizabeth was afraid she’d get them into a car accident if she wasn’t careful and neither of them needed any more attention than that already had.

“Do I have to?” Elizabeth mumbled, covering her face with her hands. The sun was slowly sinking lower and lower and Elizabeth knew if she didn’t get her sleep soon then she was going to be exhausted when she woke up to drive.

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