May 17th, 11:23 PM

77 3 0

May 17

11:23 PM

It was humid, especially in the small, cramped tent filled with high school seniors. Three out of six friends huddled together in the center of the tent, watching clips of an old animated movie from when we were younger. The two boys Xavier and Henry, chuckled quietly, but the girl in the middle was known for her roaring laugh. She barked one out, something that quite resembled the honk of a Canadian goose, which caused the other two boys to laugh harder. Her name was Francesca. The two girls on the other side of the tent stayed silent, probably fast asleep. The small blonde, Hope, was curled up into a ball under her pile of blankets, making me wonder how she was surviving under them in this 80 degree heat. The brunette, Grace, just silently slobbered on her pillow.

I had received about four texts from neighbors and my mother already, asking me to quiet down. Everyone had work in the morning, my little sister inside the house had school. It was a Wednesday night. Senior Skip Day was Thursday. We were stoked because while the rest of the class went to the beach to party, the six of us (along with two that would meet us in the morning) were going to Central Park for a picnic and a trip to the zoo. It was Francesca's first time in New York, and we were going to make sure she loved it.

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