Chapter 13 | There's A Lot To Like About You

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Chapter 13 | There's A Lot To Like About You

“You’re only human—you don’t have to have it together every minute of every day.” ― Bride Wars

The sound of a constant beeping is what I wake up to. I have no idea what it is but it’s really annoying and the consistency of it is giving me a major migraine. Obviously, I’m not at home because if I were, that sound would not be happening. The disgustingly familiar smell of Lysol disinfectant fills my nostrils and I feel a gentle tug on my arm, in the crevice. I peel my eyes open and my immediate reflex is to snap them shut again because wherever I am right now, tis’ really bright and the light hurts my eyes. I don’t close them though, I just look over to my right, towards the source of the aggravating beeping sound. My eyes land on a machine thing with a set of green jagged-y lines and some weird numbers on it. I’m not an idiot—I know that it’s a heart monitor machine and from that, I conclude that I’m in the hospital but I can’t imagine why that is because I feel fine.

I turn my head away from the heart monitor machine thing when I hear the faint sound of cheering and chanting. I notice a small TV in the room hanging from the ceiling. It looks really weird and unconventional but there’s a (college?) basketball game playing on it with the volume down low. There’s a sound of a throat being cleared and then I avert my eyes away from the TV and see Beckett sitting on a small and very uncomfortable looking couch in the room. He’s watching the game, which means he’s facing away from me, so he clearly doesn’t know that I’m awake yet. I notice then that Aspen’s in the room too, but she’s asleep. Asleep on Beckett, I might add, as in, her head is resting in his lap.

“Beckett,” I rasp in a hoarse voice, trying to get my brother’s attention so that he can explain to me what happened and why I’m in the hospital. I really, really hate hospitals a lot.

Beckett diverts his attention away from the TV at the sound of my voice then and carefully lifts Aspen’s head out of his lap, putting her down on a pillow before standing to his feet and crossing the room over to where I’m lying in the lumpy hospital bed. “Hey baby sister,” He greets with a small smile and I know he says it because he knows I hate it.

“Hi,” I respond before clearing my throat so my voice isn’t weird and hoarse anymore. “Why am I in the hospital?” I wonder, looking up at my big brother with a confused look.

“You don’t remember?” He asks me in an incredulous tone as if whatever happened to me should be so evident.

“Obviously not,” I reply, shaking my head, which proves to be a bad idea because it just intensifies my headache.

“Well, what’s the last thing you remember?” He wonders, pulling an armchair up to the side of the bed and sitting.

“The last thing that I remember is,” I say after thinking about it for a minute. I stop short though, not answering him.

“Is what?” Beckett urges, raising his eyebrows in question.

Honestly though, the last thing that I can fully and clearly remember is throwing up in the downstairs bathroom and then crying like the biggest baby in the world to Graham for about thirty minutes straight while Beckett was beating the life out of Flynn. I’m not going to tell Beckett that though because he’s super weird and super overprotective (as I’m sure you’ve noticed by now) and surely he would make a big deal out of me letting myself be vulnerable or whatever around Graham and I just don’t want to deal with that right now.

“Um, Flynn showing up,” I reply, which is basically the truth.

“Right,” Beckett awkwardly sighs, running his fingers through his short brown hair. “You kind of have an accident, Sawyer,” He tells me and he looks incredibly uncomfortable.

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