Kopa's Presentation

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Aurora's POV

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Aurora's POV

It's been a little over three months since Scar's death and Mia's Birth. Selmak had come over twice in the last three months. He wanted to meet Mia and he asked if I'd come live with him. But I declined saying this was my home, but that I'd visit and he was welcome anytime. He and Simba made an alliance between the two prides. I told him how Kovu and Vitani were taken by the outsiders. He said Chaka was okay with that as long as they returned when they were grown up.

Simba and Nala had a mating ceremony along with Selmak & I. Nala became pregnant and gave birth to a boy. His name is Kopa and he looks just like Simba when he was young apparently. The pride lands are green again and the herds have all returned. Now is Kopa's presentation day.

"Mamma, are we going to see Kopa now?" Mia asks.

"Yes sweety, but we have to wait for your Papa" I tell her. Selmak was coming as a representative of northern plains for the presentation. "Speak of the devil" I say smiling as I see him approaching us and Mia runs to him. She goes to tackle him and he fakes it working falling backwards.

"I can't handle it, your to strong help" Selmak calls. I laugh quietly walking over and picking Mia up off him. "Thanks Aurora, I thought I was goner" he jokes chuckling.

"Come on or we'll be late" I state after placing Mia down. However, Selmak blocks my way making me sigh. "Did you forget something?" I ask.

"Just this" he states and licks my cheek before bouncing back.

"You'll never change Selmak let's go" I tell him and we leave. Mia leads the way to pride rock with me correcting her occasionally. When we reached it we joined the rest of the pride looking up at Simba, Nala, Timon, Pumba and Zazu. Just as Simba and Nala part separately to allow Rafiki through holding Kopa.

They look at him smiling before Rafiki hols him up for everyone to see. All the herds bow to the new royal son as us pride members roar. Mia tries to copy us with her own little roar. "It comes from in here Mia, don't force it" I tell her pointing her chest. "You'll roar one day" I promise her and Selmak nods his head in agreement.

"You know I wouldn't mind an other cub" Selmak whispers in my ear. "What do you think Mia, do you want to be a big sister?" he asks.

"Yes, I'd be the best big sister ever" Mia states jumping for joy.

"Then we'll see if you can't become one in a couple of months" I tell. We then go up to the den to see Kopa. "You looked great up there Nala" I state as we enter the den to her nursing Kopa. "Poor thing he must be tired after all the attention" I say smiling. "I remember Mia falling asleep straight after her presentation" I state.

"Guess what Uncle Simba?" Mia asks him.

"What little Mia?" he asks.

"I'm going to be a big sister" she states proudly puffing her little chest.

"Not for awhile yet Mia" Selmak says chuckling.

"But I want to be one now" she whines.

"Tell you what Mia, while you wait you can be Kopa's big sister" Nala tells her. "Think of it as practice for the future" she states. Mia agrees happily and curls up around a now sleeping Kopa to keep him warm. Before she to decided to take a nap. "Now why don't we all sleep" she suggests.

"Perfect idea" I state laying down on the other side of the cubs. "Besides we have nothing else to do today, why not catch up on our sleep" I tell them. Soon everyone is sleeping peacefully except for Selmak and I. "I was the cub wasn't I?" I ask him.

"Yeah you were and I'm so proud of you my mate" he states licking my cheek. "You know Chaka said I could spend all week here" he tells me. "Why not have your mother look after Mia tomorrow? And we can go to our secret place" he suggests whispering in my ear. I just nod my head in agreement before be both fall asleep.


Video above of presentation and picture above of pride lands now. Picture in chapter of Mia now.

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