Chapter 6

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The Rebel fleet has just now exited hyperspace and I could not believe it, all the rebel groups were there from Phoniex squadron, the Alliance and all of the other rebels from around of the galaxy. We docked our ship with the Phoniex home one light carrier. As we docked our ship Commander Sato was waiting for us at the docking ramp. As we walk down the ramp Commander Sato said Congratulations Ezra Bridger of your success on Lothal. I say Thank you commander Sato. Senator Bail Organa walked up to our ship.

Bail Organa said, Hello Commander Sato it is good to see you. He shacked his hand. Hera said, Hello Senator it is good to see you. Bail said, Hello Hera Bail said, I have news, my spies from around the Galaxy have found where the Empire is taking Kannan. I say, Where is he? Bail answers, Ezra he is on Vaders castle on Mustafar. I say, Hera I will assemble a strike team. Hera says, Ezra no you won't, the Empire plans us to go to Mustfar, If we do go our fleet will be destroyed by the imperial navy. I answer, Your right Hera we cant take the fleet but Sabine and I can go in the phantom. I say, Come on Sabine lets go rescue our friend. Hera races after us and says, "Stop you two we need to talk." I say, "Why so you can complain to us about how we care for our friend." Hera says, "No Ezra you must listen to me I have a plan to get Kannan back and it involves lying and most likely betrayal to the rebellion. Sabine says, Will what is the plan then? Hera responds, My plan. Bail Organa came in the Ghost and he said Ah Ezra I am glad you decided to stop. I say, Yeah. Sabine says, I cant believe the leader of the rebellion won't help out family. Bail says, I am sorry the rebellion will be in major defeat. I say, Yeah Sabine we just won a battle on Lothal we dont need to fail on Mustafar, it is just one solider. Bail said, General Hera we have a mission for you. Hera says, What is the mission? Bail answers, The mission is to steel this Imperal shuttle, we need it to get troops threw planets where Imperals are. I say, We will do it sir. Bail says, Will thanks. Bail walked down the ramp and we closed the ramp doors. Zeb says to Hera, So tell us your plan. Hera says, My plan is other rebels want to help get Kannan out of the clutches of the Empire, Fulcrum and his team will help us and so will Rider Azadi with the help of Commander Sato. I said, Wait Commander Sato wants to help us. Hera answers, Yes he did wanted to help us in secret. Sabine says, Ezra you cant face Vader alone. Hera says, Your right Sabine, Ezra we will need some help. I say, Maul can help us. Zeb says, No, No Maul will not help us. I say, Zeb this is for Kannan. Zeb says, Fine as long as next time we do this our selves. I say, This is a deal then buddy. Hera started the engine and we flew out of the light carrier and four blockade runners, five GR75 Medium Transports along with two Nebulon medical frigates and our light carrier jumped to hyperspace. Bail organa contacted the Phoniex home one light carrier and he said, Commander Sato where are you going with that fleet. Sato says, I am going to help save my friend Kannan, he helped me and now I will help him. Sato ended the transmition on the senator.

The rebel fleet just exited hypersace over the planet Toydaria and there it was the mandlorian fighter colored in red with blue stripes and it attacked the A-wing fighter. I contacted Maul and I said, Maul stop we are not here to hurt you. Maul replies, Then why are you here. I say, We need your help to rescue Kannan.

Maul landed his fighter on our light carrier, we also landed inside the light carrier. Maul walked out of his ship, I was on nerve Maul is a powerful dark side user. I say to Maul, Maul I need your help. Maul answers Why should I help Kannan. I say, Because if you help us face Vader and save Kannan I will become you apprentice. Zeb says, No Ezra are you crazy. I say, Stop Zeb, this is for Kannan this might be the only chance we get to save him. "Maul says, Well it looks like we now have a deal. Hera says, Then I guess we do have an deal.

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