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D.Va and her little gang went to stop the army when a black dust followed them. Everyone else was stalling. The sentry was shooting in what seemed like every direction. Tracer was zipping around everywhere and shooting robots. Heavy was plowing through God knows how many robots with Sombra. Then Heavy blacked out.

D.Va and her little gang along with the black dust reached the mini-factory. A Mecha-Engineer's sentry was being built. The black dust then formed a hand with a shotgun. The whole gang started to black out. Two Scout-bots came. Demoman's vision was blurry but he saw Reaper. He heard him say something about a bubbling drunk.

Widowmaker came and joined Sombra. She and Sombra were lifting the giant Overwatch and Team Fortress called the Heavy Weapons Guy a.k.a Heavy. They were taking him to the mini factory. Eventually two Heavy-bots came and picked up the real,human Heavy. They took him to what seemed to be a jail inside the tank/mini-factory. D.Va, Pharah, Soldier, Engineer, Junkrat, Demoman, and Scout were in the jail with Heavy. When Demoman woke up he was looking for his grenade launchers. He realized all of their weapons were gone as was D.Va's mech.

Back at the robot horde the remaining agents along with Pyro, Spy, Sniper, and Medic realized that they wouldn't be coming back anytime soon. Sniper saw Widowmaker attempt to shoot Lúcio. Then she shot and killed Mei. Sniper then shot her. He heard a thud and the clinking of Widowmaker dropping her weapon. Sniper threw some Jarate at some robots. The robots also killed Medic. The horde kept trying to kill the agents. Eventually Hanzo was shot in the head with an arrow from a Sniper wielding the Huntsman. Genji killed a Heavy-bot  by deflecting his mini gun bullets. Pyro melted a few robots when a black figure appeared. It took a baseball bat and smacked Pyro. When Tracer saw this she blinked over there and got hit by another black figure. The two were unconscious.

Back in the jail cell Heavy woke up. He woke up everyone else in the cell.

All of a sudden Scout yelled"SPY'S MY DAD! SPY'S MY DAD! SPY'S MY DAD!... Wah. Whatta hell are we doin here? And why da hell are our weapons gone?"

Just then two Heavy-bots brought Pyro and Tracer and threw them into the cell. Pyro started to wake up and realized most of his pyrotechnics were gone. All he had on him was his lighter, some of Spy's cigarettes, his 3 Napalm Grenades, and his tank. Tracer was still out cold. She lost her pistols but her chronal accelerator was still on her. Then a a group of Talon soldiers came and passed by the cell. One of them winked at Pyro and kept walking.

The agents kept fighting off the robots,wave after wave. They realized that most of the mercs left as did some other agents. Some agents died thanks to said robots. The only merc left was Sniper. Spy disappeared. The only agents that were left were Winston, Mercy, Torbjörn, Mei(after being revived), Roadhog, Ana, Genji, Hanzo, and a few others. The robots then just stopped. They stopped attacking put their weapons down and stood like soldiers at attention. Everyone shot them with ease. Then another wave came. It was a wave of new robots. It was a wave of Overwatch robots. There were Tracer-bots, Winston-bots, Ana-bots ,Bastions, Orissas, Junkrat-bots, Road-bots,and more Scout-bots in mechs. Then more of the robot mercs came.

The others were trying to escape the jail cell that contained them. Heavy was punching the jail door, Demoman and Soldier were drinking and smashing beer bottles on the walls. Scout took Pyro's Powerjack and was smashing the air vents. Pyro was...being Pyro. Tracer was helping Heavy. D.Va was waiting. Engineer had one thing that the robots didn't confiscate, what he hid in his glove. Pharah just sat and was waiting. Junkrat was being Junkrat.

Inside the factory some Talon soldiers were on break in the break room. They were drinking coffee and one of them was strangely calm.

He asked "So why are we keeping the bubbling idiots and the stupid agents,Paul?"

Paul responded by saying"No clue. The boss just wants 'em. Your guess is as good as mine, Nate."

Nate asked"Where do we keep the keys to their cell? I feel like if one of them gets out they could find it in a heartbeat. One of us should have it on our person. That way it's an easy win for us."

Jeff piped up and said"The keys are in there."as he pointed to a robot head.

Nate, Paul, and Jeff then left the break room. Nate,however grabbed the keys. The three soldiers then went back to their post. Nate told Jeff and Paul that he would miss them. As one guard left his post two guards remained,or at least their corpses. Only Spy came out alive.

Scout jumped through the air vent after breaking the cover. Spy came and unlocked the cell. Heavy pulled Scout out of the vent and everyone went to try and find their weapons. Scout found Sasha in a room full of Mecha-Engineers. There were about 150 level 3 sentries. Spy used his disguise kit and sapped each one of them. All 150 sentries exploded. Heavy went and grabbed Sasha. Spy found D.Va's pistol next to her mech in a room full of Junkrat-bots. Along with the Junkrat-bots was a strange looking robot. The head of a Mecha-Engineer,the legs of a sentry buster, the body of a Pyro-bot,and the arms of sentry(basically a level two sentry' guns). Engineer ungloved his hand to reveal the Gunslinger. He made a mini-sentry and kept reloading it. All the Junkrat-bots were destroyed and the other new robot was starting to activate. Heavy started to rev up Sasha and Spy took out the Enforcer. Pyro grabbed one of Spy's knives and one of Spy's cigarettes. He took a napalm grenade and dipped the cigarette in the napalm. He lit he cigarette and threw it at the new robot. Demoman and Soldier took some paper and Pyro's lighter. They stuffed the paper in a beer bottle and lit the paper. They threw it at the robot. Pyro saw a Junkrat-bot's Frag Launcher and grabbed it. He gave it to Junkrat who started to fire it. The robot started to shoot from its sentry gun arms. Then all of a sudden a bolt of green light came from nowhere.


"Merasmus!" Yelled Soldier

The robot started to shoot at Merasmus. Then Merasmus turned it into a bomb.

"FOOLS!"stated Merasmus

The bomb exploded and D.Va grabbed her pistol and got her mech. Then Scout found the Sandman and some BONK! in a room full of Scout-bots driving mechs. D.Va set her mech to self destruct when Merasmus shot a magical ball at the mech. The mech got shot off course and blew up a wall showing Demoman's explosives and Soldier's arsenal. They grabbed their weapons and shot at the God knows how many mechs. Eventually D.Va got Merasmus to kill the robots after agreeing to pay the Korean mafia. Merasmus teleported away and left Pyro's pyrotechnics. Tracer took her pistols from a room full of Widowmaker-bots. Eventually everyone got their weapons back and the original plan was back in action. But then Grey Mann appeared. He had some soldiers on standby. He shot everyone with a gas of some sort.

Back at the horde everyone was dropping like flies. There were robot parts everywhere along with a few corpses. Mercy would constantly reanimate them and the robots kept coming. Eventually sentry busters came back even though there wasn't a sentry for miles. They were targeting the agents of Overwatch. Eventually there was a sentry buster that would exhale the same gas that Grey used. Everyone dropped. The robots took them in and put them with the others.

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