Taylor Caniff || (Y/N)

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You were not very liked or yet notice at school. You just kept to yourself never fully talking to your fellow classmates. But it was your senior year of High School and you had one goal. That goal was what every girl wanted to do and that was to kiss your crush of 4 years. Taylor Caniff, he was what every girl wanted. You always tensed up when he was near, always staring down at your hands as you never knew what to say if you got the chance to talk to him.

But you promised yourself that today was the day you were finally going to do the unexpected. You stay outside by the cars waiting for him to walk out. You push your classes up the brim of your nose. You glance up and notice him, he seemed to be smiling and laughing with his friends. His friends soon disappeared leaving just you and him in the parking lot.

"Hey" you speak up as he passes you.

You notice a smirk form across his face. "I heard about your senior goal."

You freeze in your current spot. He knows? How could he know? Your hear a chuckle, you glance back at him and notice him leaning against the wall beside you.

"H-How?" you begin to stutter.

"Just because you don't talk to anyone doesn't mean your stares are oblivious."

You begin to blush, he caught you sating at him? This situation has proceed to get worse as the silence grows. The awkward tension stays placed as you soon glance down at your hands.

"So about your goal" you hear him speak up. You turn your attention away from your hands to look at him. He is now standing directly in front of you. He takes one step closer, as the distance between you both decrease. Your heart beat soon speeds up as your breathing rapids. He places his hand on your cheek, he slowly starts to lean in to you. You stay frozen not knowing exactly what was happening until you felt his lips on yours. It was everything you surely ever dreamt it would be. You start kissing back trying to keep this going as far as you can. He pulls away after a few moments, you notice a smile laced across his face which matches yours.

He steps back from you before calmly speaking up. "Now both our senior goals are completed."

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